Study Note - 7
7.1 Project Identification and Formulation
This Section includes :
Project Definition & Characteristics
Project Life Cycle
Steps in Project Management
A project is for setting up a plant and when the plant becomes operational, the project is treated
as completed. A project is neither a physical objective nor is it the end-result. It has something
to do with the activities that go on, which must be the same, whether it is to build a nuclear
power plant or launching a new detergent.
A project first emerges as a concept and follows various stages, till it gets commissioned. From
the point of concept to commissioning, varying data-flow is required at the right time to the
right people. Project management envisages meticulous planning, effective implementation
and professional management to achieve the management of time, cost and performance.
Scientific techniques of project management can play a major role in streamlining the
management of projects.
A project is defined as “a non-routine-repetitive one-off undertaking normally with discrete
time, financial and technical performance goals”. The definition is descriptive and, because of
the endless variety of projects, most of the definitions are of this nature. As, another: ‘A project
can be considered to be any series of activities and tasks that:
have a specific objective to be completed within certain specifications;
have defined start and end dates;
have funding limits (if applicable); and
consume resources (i.e. money, time, equipment).
On perusal of the multifarious definitions on the subject, our definition is:
Project is a scheduled set of activities aimed towards the creation of particular asset as per
planned specifications, with a view to generate wealth – as estimated – for coming years.
A project is a “one shot” major undertaking. For example, a thermal power project. Even when
another thermal power project is undertaken, it will be different from the previous one. In
another words, the term ‘project’ may be common, but the ‘plants’ are not.
548 Fianancial Management & international finance
A project has several characteristics. The characteristic features of a project are briefly described
a) A project has a mission or a set of objectives. Once the mission is achieved the project is
treated as completed.
b) A project has to terminate at some time or the other; it cannot continue forever. The set
of objectives indicate the terminal stage of the project.
c) While the numbers of participants in a project are several, the project is one single
entity and its responsibility is assigned to one single agency.
d) A project calls for team-work the members of the team may come from different organizational
units, different disciplines, and even from different geographic regions.
e) A project has a life cycle represented by growth, maturity and decay. A project has a
learning component.
f) A project is unique and no two projects are similar, even though the plants set up are
identical. The organizations, the infrastructure, the location and the people make the
project unique.
g) Change is a natural phenomenon with every project throughout its life span. Some
changes may not have any major impact, but some others may change the very nature
of the project.
h) The happenings during the life cycle of a project are not fully known at any stage. As
time passes, the details are finalized successively. For example, more details are known
about the project at the erection stage than at the detailed engineering stage.
i) A project is always customer-specific. The requirements and constrains within which a
project must be executed are stipulated by the customer.
Commissioning A
j) A project is a complex set of things. Projects vary in terms of technology, equipment
and materials, machinery and people, work ethics and organizational culture.
k) A substantial portion of the work in a project is done by sub-contracting. The greater
the complexity of a project, the greater will be the extent of work performed by subcontractors.
l) Any project is exposed to risk and uncertainty and the extent of these two depend upon
has the project moves through the various stages in its life span. A well defined project
ahs lesser risk and uncertainty, whereas an ill-defined project faces greater degree of
risk and uncertainty.
The types of projects that are ventured by organizations could broadly be classified as:
a) New projects
b) Expansion projects
c) Modernization projects
d) Diversification projects
e) Other projects
A project consists of sequential phases and these phases are extremely useful since they provide
a framework for budgeting manpower and resource allocation and for scheduling project
milestones and project reviews. Although the phases in a life cycle are said to be sequential,
there maybe some overlap between them, especially in the case of large and complex projects.
The method of dividing the phases in a project may differ some what from industry to industry
and from product to product. A particular phase in a project’s life cycle may require more
attention than some other phase. The various phases in a project, which are by and large common
to many projects, are the following:
a) Concept or initialization phase
b) Project definition phase
c) Growth or organization phase
d) Implementation phase
e) Project shutdown or cleanup phase
Concept or Initialization Phase
In the concept or initialization phase, the project idea emerges and the management decides on
the need for a project.
Neither the importance of the concept and initialization phase can be minimized, nor it can be
totally ignored; otherwise the inherent defects in the project may eventually become a liability
for the investors. The implementation aspects should not be considered at all in this phase of
project life cycle. Undoubtedly a project which is well conceived can be later implemented
successfully. It is to be expected that the ideas may undergo changes as the project progresses.
This is natural, because at the concept stage event data is not available and the actual real life
situation may turn out to be different from what has been assumed initially.
Project Definition Phase
The techno-economic viability of the project
The technical configuration of the project
The performance requirements, sub-systems, key equipments etc.
The cost estimates with limits
Schedule of implementation
The details to be covered and documented will include:-
a) Raw materials Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of each of the raw
materials required.
b) Plant capacity Description of the plant requirements and their capacities for each
of the departments as well as the entire plant.
c) Location and site The actual place where the plant is to be built in city / town.
d) Technology/process Description of the selected technology and the reasons as to why
this particular technology is selected.
e) Plant and machinery Description of the equipment and, giving reasons for the same,
along with specification, type, quantity etc.
f) Electrical & Instrumentation Description of major electrical and instrumentation items with
features, and a scheme for power distribution and power grid
g) Civil engineering works Description of civil works to be carried out with justification and
cost estimates
h) Utilities Description of utilities – power, water, steam oxygen, etc.-
required quantities and qualitative properties, sources,
availability and unit costs.
i) Manpower Organisation structure, labour and staff required skill wise,
availability, labour rates etc.
j) Financial analysis Total investment, sources from which required finance can be
raised, total production costs, and evaluation of financial viability.
k) Implementation schedule Describe how the project is to be implemented, clarifying the
uncertainties and ambiguities noted at the concept state. The risk
associated with the project is also stated.
Growth or Organisation Phase
This phase starts soon after the concept phase and simultaneously with the definition phase
and the subsequent implementation phase. Many organizations, during this phase, undertake
the following actions:
a) Establishing the infrastructure and enabling services for the project
b) Project engineering and design
c) Setting up Project Organisation and stuffing
d) Appointing a project manager
e) Preparing schedules and budgets
f) Obtaining necessary licenses and clearances from the Government
g) Raising finance
h) Developing systems and procedures for monitoring and reviewing project progress
i) Procedures for inviting tenders and awarding contracts
j) Site preparation and development
k) Procuring construction equipment and materials
l) Work packaging.
This phase covers not only paper work connected with project planning, but also implementation
activities. Planning is necessary to avoid crisis management; it makes the implementation
phase to run smooth.
Implementation Phase
These activities include
1) The preparation of specifications for major equipments and machineries,
2) Placing orders with vendors for the supply of equipments and machineries,
3) Inviting contractors to submit bids,
4) Evaluating contractors bids and selecting contractors,
5) Preparing and issuing construction drawings,
6) Civil constructions and construction of equipment foundations,
7) Erection of equipment and machinery,
8) Installation of electrical fittings,
9) Piping,
10) Instrumentation,
11) Testing and trail runs, and
12) Commissioning of the plant.
Approximately 75 to 85% of the project work is done in this phase. Naturally, people are
interested in starting this phase as early as possible, and also complete this phase within as
short a time as possible.
There is need for a high degree of co-ordination and control in this phase. Once the decision is
taken and the project begins, everybody is anxious to avoid any loss of time.
Project Shut-down and Clean-up Phase
In this phase, the plant and machinery built and erected with the active involvement of several
agencies, handed over for production to a different agency who was not involved earlier. The
project personnel catalogue all drawings, documents, specifications, operation and maintenance
manuals and hand over to operating personnel. They have to be satisfied with guaranteed-
test runs. Any change required at the last minute for fulfillment of contractual obligations
with regard to performance has to be completed satisfactorily in this phase. Project accounts
are finalised, materials reconciliation carried out, all outstanding dues are paid during the
Project management consists of the following steps:
Combining activities into “Work packages”, which have the features of a project i.e., the
work packages are related to one another, and they all contributes to the same goal(s), and
bound by time, cost and performance targets.
Entrusting whole project to a single responsibility centre called the “Project Manager” for
coordinating, directing and controlling the project.
Choosing a suitable organisation structure to support and service the project internally,
and through vendors and contractors externally.
Building up commitment through negotiations, coordinating and directing towards goals
through schedules, budgets and contracts.
On the basis of schedules, budgets and contracts, ensuring that goals are achieved through
continuous monitoring and control.
7.2 Identification Of Project Opportunities
This section includes:
An entrepreneur desirous of investing on a project has to look for suitable opportunities. The
vast range of opportunities makes the task of identification very difficult. The task of identifying
suitable project for investments is prima facie concerned with feasible and promising ones
which deserve further in-depth study and appraisal. The study has a very wide choice and the
dimensions of the choice are:
Product / service
Scale of production
Time phasing
An important aspect of the business environment affecting investment opportunities is the
Govt.’s policy framework seeks to –
i) define available opportunities for investment to different types of entrepreneur,
ii) encourage and promote investments along certain lines through incentives, concessions
and reliefs, and
iii) specify the kinds of operational controls exercised by the Govt. over the functioning
of industrial enterprises.
The major components of the Governmental policy framework are the industrial policy,
Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, regulation on foreign collaboration and investment,
FEMA, MRTP Act, incentives for export oriented units.
Industrial policy
The Government’s industrial policy, content in the industrial policy resolution of 1956, envisages
a mixed economy. Policy statements in subsequent periods reaffirmed the original policy,
Project Environment
Project Objectives
Project Classification
Sources of Project Ideas
except some changes in emphasis. Under the mixed economy where the state and the private
sector have a role to play, the industries have been divided into three categories:
(a) Industries reserved for the public sector are in Schedule A. They include infrastructure
industries such as power, rail and certain basic and heavy industries such as defense
oriented industries and atomic energy.
(b) Industries in which the state will generally take the initiative to establish new undertakings
but in which private enterprise will supplement the efforts of the state are Schedule
B. They include Aluminium, Machine tools, Drugs, Antibiotics and Plastics.
(c) All other industries are left for the private sector to develop and run them.
Industries (Development and Regulation) Act
The provisions in this Act relevant to the projects include:
Licenses are required for setting new industry and / or substantially expanding the capacity
of an existing organisation.
License is granted on the basis of the industrial policy on furtherance of employment, export,
balanced regional development etc.
No license is required for SSI units.
Govt. is empowered by this Act to
i) investigate any industry
ii) issue direction for improvement of management
iii) fix prices production method etc.
The principle objectives sought to be achieved through MRTP Act are:
Prevention of concentration of economic power to the common detriment.
Control of monopolies
Prohibition of monopolistic, restrictive and unfair trade practices.
Incentive for industries
With the objectives of rapid industrial growth as well as decentralization, the Government has
introduced a number of incentives, which include the following:
Incentive for export oriented units
Incentive for backward areas
Incentive for Small Scale Units
Incentive for export oriented units
Export oriented units are allowed the following incentives:
(a) A higher percentage of foreign equity is generally permitted for units which have an
export commitment of over 60% of their production.
(b) Liberal import facilities, depending on the actual import content of the product and
FOB value of the product are allowed.
(c) Customs and central excise duties paid on raw materials used for the manufacture of
the export product are reimbursed.
(d) Raw materials are supplied at controlled prices for specified export products.
Incentive for backward areas
In order to remove regional imbalance and develop areas lacking industrial activities the Govt.
made a list of such areas considered as “backward” and provides incentives which include-
(a) Govt. subsidy-which should be retained in the business i.e., not be treated as revenue
(b) The financial institutions provide soft loans with lower rate of interest and longer repayment
(c) There are various types of transport subsidies for the transport of raw material as well
as finished goods.
Incentive for Small Scale Units
Govt. encourages establishment of SSI units to facilitate promoters. The main criterion to consider
an unit as a small scale one was the limit of total investments and this limit has been
gradually increased to bring larger no. of units under the SSI with areas of operation exclusively
reserved for such units. The different classes of industries are as follows:
(i) Chemical products
(ii) Food products
(iii) Electrical products
(iv) Electronics products
(v) Mechanical products
(vi) Glass and ceramic products
Project, when finalised, has the following objectives:
its has a time-bound programme to start, execute, commission and delivery of the project;
it has cost-bound activities – in terms of money spent or resources consumed – so that total
cost is within the total estimated project cost as agreed and authorized by the project owner;
it shall conform to the technical specifications set at the point of deciding upon the project.
In other words, the delivery (of the project) shall have to be of the agreed quality.
A project has primarily three objectives – it is to be implemented within a specified time, at a
target estimated cost, to produce certain goods/services of specified quality.
There are endless varieties of projects. These projects are classified according to the specific
character of the project:
(a) Projects of different sectors
Projects can be classified according to the sector to which the project owner belongs.
i. Projects for the public sector are undertaken by Sector Enterprises/ Undertakings (PSE or
PSU) which are owned by the government – Central State or both Projects which normally
involve largest volume including funds and cover the largest sector of people- e.g. projects
under railways, airlines, banks, steel etc., belong to public sector. The State Government
undertaking-though comparatively smaller in volume-are, nevertheless, public sector and
projects for such organization, e.g. State Transport Corporation etc., are also public sector
projects. In such projects, the profit-motive plays a secondary role as the primary cause is
to serve the people, create employment etc.
ii. Projects of private sectors: The owners of such projects are individuals or company (private
or public but not PSU), partnership firm, where profit-motive against investment plays an
important role.
iii. Projects in the joint sector: Here the ownership belongs to a partnership between
government undertaking and the private sector. The recent plan to develop the minor
port at Gopalpur to a major all-season port at an estimated project cost of Rs. 1,800 crores
is envisaged by the Government to be launched by forming a joint venture between the
state Government, Mineral and Metal Trading Corporation (MMTC) and from the private
sector TISCO. In projects under this sector normally the management expertise is from the
private sector and the partner representing the government helps in liaison with various
government authorities including large-scale funding.
(b) Industrial and Non-Industrial Projects
We have mentioned earlier about projects which are undertaken without money-making mission
and are primarily with social objectives e.g. projects for health care, public education,
irrigation etc. These are classified as non-industrial projects mainly undertaken by the government.
Quality Time
Most of the other projects are classified as industrial projects belonging to organizations with
commercial objectives.
An industrial organization can stand on its own for longer period when the economy generated
by it can sustain the organization. Projects belonging to business organization are undertaken
to ensure generation of wealth (during the second part of the project, as mentioned
earlier) and are classified as industrial projects.
(c) Projects belonging to core sector
There are complex mega-projects undertaken by the government which, in turn, help to generate
commercial activities and, also, many other industrial projects. These are power projects,
port facilities, highways, mining, steel etc.,
(d) Need-based projects
We have noted earlier that project grows out of needs or opportunities. Accordingly there are
different types of needs leading to different types of projects
Different types of project, classified as per the aim of the projects:
It represents a project within an existing plant in order to increase the production capacity of a
particular area or areas within the plant, so that a harmony of the production capacity of the
entire plant is established.
It represents a project within an existing plant to install capacity to produce a new product/
service which in case of:
‘Backward integration’ are meant for captive consumption in the manufacture of the currently
produced finished goods and
‘Forward integration’ are meant for production by the process of consuming the currently
produced finished goods.
Project for technical up gradation of production plant and / or process.
Project for installing capacity to increase the volume of production/service.
It represents projects to introduce new product/service in the existing plant.
It represents projects to rehabilitate a plant (organization) which is already considered sick.
Taxonomy of projects
Broadly, projects can be categorized as :
Defensive projects i.e., those aimed to strengthen the present position of the status or situation
of product lines, technical services, product or process improvement etc.,
Aggressive projects, those concerned with giving new ways of service or entering new commercial
line or fields, development of innovative products/processes, long range research
oriented programmes etc.
In detail, projects could be national or international, industrial or non-industrial, R & D, high
technology, conventional technology, low technology projects etc. in a finer categorization,
projects could be further classified as major, medium or mini projects. Again they could be
grass-root expansion or modification projects. Depending on the speed needed for execution,
the projects could be categorized as:
Normal projects(where adequate time is allowed)
Crash projects (Where additional cost are concerned to gain time)
Disaster projects(anything needed to gain time is allowed)
A variety of sources have to be tapped to stimulate the generation of project ideas.
(a) Analysis of industries’ performance— An analysis of the capacity utilization and profitability
including break-even analysis of existing industries will indicate, promising
project opportunities which are relatively risk free and profitable. Capacity utilization
analysis of existing industries will provide information about the potential for further
investment. Such an analysis, region wise for products with high freight costs will be
more useful.
(b) Analysis of inputs and outputs of industries— A careful analysis of inputs required
for various industries may suggest potential project opportunities, some firms produce
internally some components at a high cost. Perhaps these can be produced and supplied
at a lower cost enjoying economies of scale. An analysis of the outputs may indicate
opportunities for further processing of output or processing of wasters/by – products.
(c) Analysis of imports and exports— An analysis of import statistics of past five years
helps in understanding the trend of imports of various materials and the potential for
import substitution.
(i) Replacing imports with indigenously manufactured materials is beneficial because
it improves the balance of payment situation,
(ii) It creates employment opportunities and
(iii) It provides market for supporting industries and service.
Similarly, analysis of export statistics is useful in knowing the export possibilities of various
(d) Government’s guideline to industries, published annually is available as a source of
information to potential entrepreneurs / investors. The guidelines provide information
on existing capacities for various items, estimated demand, scope for exports, etc.
(e) Suggestions of financial institutions and developmental agencies— State Financial
Corporations, State Industrial Development Corporations, and other Development
Agencies periodically conduct studies and feasibility reports with a view to promote
development of industries in their respective states.
(f) Survey of local resources— A survey or investigation of local resources may indicate
opportunities for adding value to locally available materials. National Council of Applied
Economic Research conducts surveys of various regions in the country throwing
light on those regions which have the potential for industrial development.
(g) Analysis of economic and social trends— An analytical study of economic and social
trends may indicate changes in economic trends which provide new business opportunities
demand for products which save time-instant food items, micro-ovens, electric
cookers, etc., is increasing. Likewise, the demand for entertainment products is also
(h) New technologies— The network of scientific and research laboratories functioning
under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research have developed several new
processes and technologies. These offer opportunities for commercial exploitation.
(i) Emulating consumption patterns from abroad— There are opportunities for setting
up projects in areas that are new in our country, but are quite common in many developed
countries. The entrepreneurs prepared to take higher risk can look into similar
project opportunities.
(j) Restoring life to sick units—There are thousands of units which are regarded as sick.
It is possible to restore life to many such units through better management, infusion of
further capital, and provision of complementary inputs. Sick units, therefore, provide
good investment opportunities. These investments have the additional advantage of
short gestation periods and marginal efforts to restore life to the sick undertakings
which are on the anvil of closure.
(k) Analysis of unsatisfied needs of consumers— For a wide range of existing products
of daily consumption, it may be worth while to analyse whether these products are
satisfying the psychological needs of consumers. Such an analysis may reveal opportunities
for investment. Spectrum analysis is used to find out the opportunities: the analysis
consists of :
a. identifying the key factors influencing the choice of brand products,
b. positioning the existing brands of the product on a continuum in respect of
factors identified earlier, and
c. Identifying the deficiencies which exist with respect to the psychological needs
of consumers.
(l) International and national trade fairs and industry exhibitions— provide opportunities
to know about new products, new technologies/processes, and new developments.
(m) Stimulate creativity for generating new product ideas— By thinking along the following
lines-modification, rearrangement, reversal, magnification, reduction, substitution,
adaptation, combination-new product ideas may be generated.
(n) Chance factor— Sometimes, just a chance factor may trigger an investment opportunity.
Basic Conditions
With a view to make an initial selection of project ideas out of several, the following aspects
must be considered:
a. Match with the entrepreneur profile— The project idea must match with the entrepreneur’s
interest, personality, and resources. The real opportunity, according to Murphy, has three
(i) It fits with entrepreneur’s personality, it squares with his abilities, training, and proclivities,
(ii) It is accessible to him, and
(iii) It offers him rapid growth and high return on investment.
b. Fit with national priorities— The project idea must fit with national priorities and
government’s regulatory framework. For this, the following questions have to be addressed
(i) Whether the project idea is in tune with national priorities and goals?
(ii) Whether the project idea violates any environmental regulations?
(iii) Whether the foreign exchange requirements for the project can be accommodated?
(iv) Whether the license, if required, can be obtained?
c. Availability of inputs— With a view to assess the reasonable availability of resources and
inputs for the project, the following questions must be answered:
(i) Are project’s capital requirements within limits?
(ii) Can the technical know-how for the project be obtained?
(iii) Are raw materials required for the project available at reasonable price indigenously?
If not, are there any problems in importing them?
(iv) Can power supply for the project be obtained from external sources and captive
sources? There has been chronic shortage in India of certain key inputs like power
supply, foreign exchange, and important raw materials: and fluctuating supplies of
agricultural raw materials like cotton, jute and oil seed. However, in recent times, the
situation has improved with respect to power supply, foreign exchange availability,
and supplies of basic industrial materials.
d. Market size— The market size should be sufficient enough to offer satisfactory sales volume
to support production. In addition, there should be rapid growth potential and high
return on investment. The market size and its adequacy have to be examined with reference
to the following factors:-
i) Total present domestic market,
ii) Competitors and their market shares,
iii) Extent of export market,
iv) Quality price profile of the product among the competing products,
v) The system of sales and distribution,
vi) Likely increase in consumption,
vii) Barriers to the entry of new units,
viii) Economic social and demographic trends favorable to increased consumption, and
ix) Patent protection.
Apart from few exceptions, the trend by-and-large, growing demand for many products. This
trend will continue because of the low per capita consumption levels in our country. The demand
for many products, fortunately, is not at the expense of demand for some other products
as in developed western countries.
e. Cost— The cost of the proposed product/service must enable it to realize an acceptable
profit with a competitive price. For this, the following factors have to be carefully analysed:
(i) costs of input material,
(ii) wage costs,
(iii) factory overhead expenses,
(iv) general administration expenses,
(v) selling and distribution expenses,
(vi) service charges and
(vii) economies of scale.
f. Risk— The risk associated with a project is a critical component in determining the desirability
or otherwise of the product. Assessing the risk is a very difficult task, and the following
factors have to be considered:
(i) vulnerability to business cycles,
(ii) technological changes,
(iii) competition from substitutes,
(iv) competition from imports, and
(v) Governmental control over price and distribution.
Such an analysis should focus on the following issues:
(a) Internal financial resources available for investment on new project after taking into account
the need for replacement.
(b) Expenditures, increase in working capital, repayment of borrowings, and divided
obligations, and the extent to which financial resources can be raised externally for the
new projects.
(c) Production facilities currently available, technological capabilities existing with the
company, in-house research and development, and new technological collaborations that
can be tied-up.
(d) Sources or raw materials and their reliability, adequacy of power supply and other utilities,
transport and communication facilities.
(e) Present cost structure of existing products and their contribution to profitability.
(f) Market share, distribution network, and the company’s image in the market place.
(g) Resourcefulness and competence of top management, age profile of middle and top
executives, employee motivation level and the state of employer- employee relations.
(h) Effect of the regulatory legislation on the company and the opportunities available to the
(i) Likely changes in governmental policies with respect to industrial licensing, private sector,
foreign exchange control, collaboration or tie-up with foreign companies, and import and
export policies.
(j) Evolving new technologies and new methods/processes of production, and their likely
effect on the cost structure of company’s products.
7.3 Project Selection Considerations and Feasibility Studies
This Section includes:
In the economic arena, the most basic choice that all countries must face in allocating resources
is between current consumption of products and services and investment in future
growth. In developing countries like India, the choice has to be made under conditions of
deplorably low, often subsistence, level of consumption of a large proportion of the population
and the urgent need to invest in the hope of achieving higher living standards. When the
choice in the favour of investment for future development, it is absolutely necessary that the
scarce resources are deployed to secure maximum benefit. Packaging these investments in to
projects, whether in public, private of joint sector, through the disciplined project approach
can be a very effective means towards this end.
The definition of the tem project as per Oxford’s Dictionary is as below
A plan for an undertaking
A plan for a scheme for an undertaking for an economic activity of recreation of wealth
through products and services.
From the definition the following three points emerge:
A plan- for future
For an economic activity- which activity would cover everything from inputs- outputs and
efficiencies-inefficiencies etc.
Products and services- manufacturing entities would fall under first category while say
travel related services would fall under second category.
From the above definition, one point which arises is that no entity in this world can be independent.
Even as an individual, we are a part of a family. The family is a part of the society. The
society is a part of a geographical location. The geographical location is a part of nation. The
nation is a part of the world. Similarly any entity is not independent. It has to depend on say
suppliers for supply of materials, men and machine for processing the same, customers for sale
of finished products etc.
Macro Factors & Micro Factors
Pre-feasibility Study
Technical feasibility
Financial viability
Environmental and Economic viability
Project feasibility Report and contents
To study this interdependence various factors have to be taken into account. The factors to be
considered before conceiving a project could be broadly divided into two categories; i.e. macro
factors and micro factors.
The macro factors would be the guiding pints not directly related with the project but the ones
that affect any project due to their mere presence or absence. These factors are more at broader
level affecting the entire economy or entire region or all the industrial activity in a particular
environment or business line. Briefly the more factors could be categorized in the following
Political Factors
These factors would include Govt. policies in general and including the policies framed for a
specific industry. The policy framework would need to be considered both at the Central Government
level and State Government levels. These would also include the guidelines with
special reference to some industrial segments like drugs, telecom, power, infrastructure like
ports, roads, airports, etc. There are a lot of stipulations as regards safety, credentials of the
management and experience in handling similar project before a permission is granted..
Economic factors
These factors would include the guidelines and directives for various industrial concerns as
well as the regulations for raising of funds towards meeting the cost of project and other incidental
requirements. This would also include the demand and supply within the economy
and the international position of the products proposed to be manufactured which considers
the stand of an economy against the international trade organizations and industries vis-Ã -vis
positioning and trades bar driers and tariff structures. The factors would also include various
guidelines of SEBI and those applicable to raising external commercial borrowings, NRI money
inflow and loan from international agencies. These are governed by various structures of Reserve
Bank of India and ministry of Finance and Exchange Control
Social Factors
Any entity which is implementing a plan in contributing for the welfare of the society must not
interfere with laws of the land. This would include various laws which are of social importance
and hence, as part of the society every enterprise shall comply with standards applicable
to the industries and industrial activity shall not hamper the rights of the society. Besides this,
social factors should also hinge upon factors like unemployment, child labour, pollution, labour
welfare, consumer protection and fair business practices. These factors would necessitate clearances
like MRTP pollution Control clearances and compliance with Acts like Factories Act and
other employee related legislations.
Micro factors would actually include the considerations which are specific to the industry that
have been short listed by an entrepreneur after going through macro factors. Where macro
factors facilitate selection of an industry and line of business for an entrepreneur, micro factors
would decide the blues print for the project within the industry and business activity chosen.
In the language of a layman, micro factors would strive to find answers to various question as
who-what-where how much-how-whom- worth. Answering these questions would assist the
decision of an entrepreneur, the choice of product line, location of the project, capacity of the
project the choice of the technology selection, the market for the product chosen and the cost of
the project and means of financing the project.
Initial Stage
The initial stages in the product identification would be the conception stage itself. The surrounding
environment of any would be entrepreneur could be the biggest influence on the
thought process. One could consider the now corporate success story of “Good Knight” mosquito
repellants. The concept of an electrical device to combat the torture of the insects was
result of affection of a father for a daughter being tortured by mosquitoes and the then available
products becoming inactive. The reason for making a reference here is that a professional
could be of help right from the conception stage of a project. The key lies in recognising and
anticipating potential success of a project which an entrepreneur thinks.
Role of a Professional
The value that a professional should be able to add would emerge out of his experience to
understand various aspects related to the project. Typically, when any entrepreneur approaches
a professional to draw up a business plan for his proposed project, the professional should
look at the viability of the project from all angles. He is expected to find out the resources
available with the promoters of the project which would form the very basis for evaluating the
possibility of a project size that the promoters are contemplating to establish. The professional
has to bear in mind that in order to be eligible to obtain funding from any recognized financial
institution agency or banks, the prime requirement would be a minimum contribution in the
project by the promoters.
The Project Cycle
It is convenient to think of project work as comprising several distinct stages, commonly referred
to collectively as the project cycle. The idea of a cycle underscores the point that the
stages are closely linked and follow a logical progression, with the later stages providing the
basis for a renewal of the cycle. The principal stages of the cycle are the identification of project
; its design preparation and appraisal; its implementations; and its evaluation once the investment
phase has been completed.
Project Identification
The project cycle begins with the identification of project ideas that appears to represent a
high-priority use of a country’s resources to achieve important development objectives. The
identification and preliminary screening of project ideas is a critical part of the process. Decisions
made at this stage, either explicitly or by default, have a far reaching impact on the final
outcome of the project. It is particularly important at the outset to consider as wide a range of
alternative approaches as feasible. All too often, project ideas are put, forward and accepted
without adequately weighting alternative, and possibly cheaper or more effective, means of
achieving the same objectives. Whether the result of vested interests, political pressure, or
simply lack of information about viable options, the consequences are same; opportunities lost
at this stage can seldom be recaptured. There is no substitute for ebbing in the first place.
Explicit attention should be given defining a project’s a objectives and on the strategy for achieving
them. The intended beneficiaries of the project must be consulted when their participation
in designing and implementing the project is important to its ultimate success. Failure to reach
an understanding about objectives and to secure a firm commitment from all those concerned
has often generated friction later and resulted in poor project implementation. A project can be
considered to have passed the identification stage when:
(a) Major options and alternatives have been identified and some initial choice made
(b) The principal policy issues affecting project outcome have been identified and appear to
be amenable to solution.
(c) The project options selected are likely to be justified, given rough estimates for the expected
costs and benefits.
(d) It appears that the project will have adequate support both from the political authorities
and from the intended beneficiaries.
(e) The prospects are reasonable that adequate funding will be available from local, and if
needed, external sources.
(f) A specific plan for preparation of the project has been established.
Project Preparation
The next stage is project preparation. It involves undertaking a feasibility study for all but the
simplest and most routine projects. As the term implies, its purpose is to establish the feasibility
or justification of the project, both as a whole and in its principal dimensions-technical,
economic, financial, and social. And so on, each dimension must be analysed both separately
and in relation to all the others. This is done in a series of approximations that test different
technical approaches for their economic benefit and financial viability. The purpose of the
analysis is not to determine whether a particular idea is good enough to proceed with but to
arrive at the best one possible under the circumstances. Although the feasibility study should
be designed with the due regard for cost, this is not the place to skimp; if done well the study
is bound to pay for itself many times over through cost savings or increased benefits.
The formulation of techno-economic feasibility study is a costly and time consuming task,
although such a study enables a definite decision to be made on the project. So, before assigning
funds for detailed feasibility study, a preliminary assessment of the project idea must be in
a pre-feasibility study.
This analysis seeks to determine whether the projects are prima facie worth while to justify a
feasibility study and what aspects of the project are critical to its viability. This is ascertained
by an in-depth investigation. Covering almost the same ground as the preliminary project
analysis, a feasibility study is undertaken in a more detailed manner thoroughly and
completely. This study results in a reasonably adequate formulation of the project in terms of
location, production capacity, production technology material inputs etc., and contains fairly
specific estimates of projects cost, means of financing, sales revenues, production costs, financial
profitability and social benefits. This aids decision making. Once this is done, a preliminary
project analysis has to be taken up. The preliminary project analysis is a prelude to a full
blown feasibility study. It concerns itself with marketing, technical, financial and economic
aspects of the project. The principal objectives for preliminary study are to determine whether:
(a) The investment opportunity is so promising that an investment decision can be taken on
the basis of the information elaborated at the pre-feasibility stage.
(b) The project concept justifies a details analysis by a feasibility study.
(c) Any aspect of the project are critical to its feasibility and requires in depth investigation
through functional or support studies such as market surveys laboratory test, pilot plant
tests etc.
(d) The information is adequate to decide that the project idea is not either viable proposition
or attractive enough for a particular investor or investor group.
A Pre-feasibility study should be viewed as an intermediate stage between a project analysis
or feasibility study, the difference being primarily the detail of the information obtained. Accordingly
it is necessary even at the pre-feasibility stage to examine broadly the economic
alternatives of ;
(a) Market and plant capacity – demand and market study, sales and marketing production
programme, and plant capacity.
(b) Material inputs
(c) Location and site
(d) Project engineering – technologies and equipment, and civil engineering works.
(F) Manpower – labour and staff.
(g) Implementation
(h) Financial analysis – investment costs, project financing, production costs, and commercial
When a project opportunity study is conducted in respect of an investment possibility the prefeasibility
stage can be dispensed. It can also be by passed when a sector to resources opportunity
study contains sufficient project data to either processed to the feasibility stage determine
its discontinuance. The economic of the project are doubtful unless a certain aspect for the
study has been investigated depth by a detailed market study. Or some other functional study,
to determine the viable Short-cuts may be used to determine minor components of investment
outlay and production cost but not to determine major cost components. The latter must be
estimated for the projects as a part of the pre-feasibility study, but it is not necessary to depend
A feasibility study must provide a base – technical, economic, financial, social etc., for an inCOPSrTo-
vestment decision on an industrial project. It should define and analyses the critical elements
that relate to the production of a given project together with alternative approaches to such
production. Such a study should provide a project of a defined production capacity at selected
location, using a particular technology or technologies in relation to defined material and
inputs, at a given investment and production costs, and sales revenues yielding a defined
return on investment.
To achieve this objective, an interactive process is carried out with a cycle of feedbacks and
interlink ages covering possible alternative solutions for production programmes, locations,
sites technology, plant, mechanical, electrical and civil engineering and organizational structure
that have to be harmonized in order to minimize investment and production costs, If the
resulting data show the project to be unviable then the various parameters – materials, technology,
and production programme should be adjusted with a view to present well defined
viable project. The feasibility should describe this optimization process; justify the assumptions
made and the solutions chosen.
A feasibility report to be realistic will not be considered complete unless the financing arrangements
are defined and considered. These include defining the fund requirements of capital
expenditure, initial working capital and pre-operating expense and the source of funds- debt
or equity. The phased fund requirements and cash flow requires to be determined and spelt
out in the feasibility report. A summation of all the above aspects both technical and financial,
besides other non cost/technical aspects, results in the preparation of cost estimates of projects.
A feasibility study broadly covers the following areas:
Technical feasibility
Organisation set up
Managerial competence
Commercial aspects
Financial feasibility.
All factors relating to infrastructural needs, technology, of machine material etc., are required
to be scrutinized under the phase. Broadly speaking, the factors that are covered under this
aspects includes
1) Availability of basic infrastructure
2) Licensing /registration requirements
3) Selection of technology/ technical process
4) Availability of suitable machinery/ raw material / skilled labour etc.,
Managerial Competence
The ultimate success of a very well conceived and viable project may depend on how competently
it is managed. Besides project implementation other important function required to be
controlled can broadly be classified as under
1. Production
2. Finance
3. Marketing
4. Personnel
A complete integration of all these functions within the organisastion may be the first step
towards an effective management.
Various steps are involved to determine the financial viability of a project which are as under:-
1. Determination of project cost
2. Sources of fund/means of financing and proper utilization of fund
3. Profitability analysis
4. Break-even analysis
5. Cash flow/fund flow statement
6. Debt service coverage ratio
Any project can be commercially viable only if it is able to sell at a profit and the collection
from customers is on time. For this purpose it would be necessary to study demand and supply
pattern of that particular product to determine its marketability.
Various methods such as trend method, regression method for estimation of demand are employed
which is then to be matched with the available supply of a particular product. The
prospects of exporting the product may also be examined while assessing the demand.
The performance of a project may not only be influenced by the financial factors as stated
above. Other external environmental factors which may be economic, social or cultural may
have a positive impact as well. The larger projects may be critically evaluated by the lending
institutions by taking into consideration the following factors-
1) Employment potential
2) Utilization of domestically available raw material and other facilities
3) Development of industrially backward areas as per govt. policy
4) Effect of the project on the environment with particular emphasis on the pollution of
water and air to be caused by it.
5) the arrangements for effective disposal of effluent as per Govt. policy
6) Energy conservation devices etc. employed for the project.
Other economic factors which influence the final approval of a particular project are-
1. Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
2. Domestic Resources Cost (DRC)
A schedule of feasibility study is prepared indicting the time content of each activity, like,
obtaining industrial license, acquisition of land and utilities, financial arrangement, process
licensing and consultancy services, detailed engineering, placement of orders, deliveries, soil
surveys, site preparation, civil and structural works, equipment creation, testing and checking
and ultimately commissioning of the project. There is bound to be overlapping of the time
schedule in this activity. The various approaches for time scheduling are normally banded as
CAT (committed activity Targets) and RAT (Reserved Activity Targets) schedules. The CAT
schedule is use for progressing of the executing agencies whereas the RAT schedules are those
that are to be achieved. It will be the endeavor of the project management to maintain a distance
between the two schedules so that “CAT does not eat the RATS”
A feasibility report is prepared to present an in-depth techno commercial analysis carried out
on the project idea for consideration of the financial institutions and other authorities empowered
to make the decision, as to whether the investment on the project is to be made or not. The
government guidelines on the contents of a feasibility report inter alia include:
a) Survey of material requirements
b) Study of demand of product or services (Market Analysis)
c) Study of the configuration of the project idea in all aspects like technical, product pattern,
process, plant size and raw material requirements.
d) Study of location- geographical, political, social etc.
e) Project schedule.
f) Project cost and source of finance-estimates.
g) Profitability and cash flow analysis.
h) CBA (Cost Benefit Analysis)/ SCBA.
Survey of material requirements primarily relates to raw material survey. Raw material may
be available in the form of deposits, finished products, by products, imports, again imports in
the form or raw material, finished parts etc. It is necessary to establish availability of raw
material as well as confirmed sources of supply.
Secondly, the identification of the uses of the product or service proposed to be generated by
the project, the prospective consumers, data on present and future consumption, export possibilities
constitute the demand study. It also covers supply pattern, distribution and rises. A
demand study is based on published literatures and special independent survey data.
Detailed Project Report (DPR)
After the feasibility studies are carried out, a detailed project report (DPR) is required to be
drawn up based on the data and results obtained from the studies. The preparation of the DPR
is the final and most important stage of pre-investment phase of project. It is on the basis of the
DPR, the project Investment Board and the cabinet Committee of Economic Affairs give their
clearance for the project.
The preparation of DPR is undertaken only after the investment decision is made on the basis
of the technical, economic, and financial feasibility studies, so that the expensive efforts involved
in the preparation of DPR are not wasted. Process designs, layout drawings and construction
data are absolutely necessary for the preparation of DPR. Generally, completion of
the DPR is expected to be completed within a year after the investment decision based on
feasibility study. This will enable the early implementation of the project, without rendering
the cost estimates to be affected by higher incidence of inflation.
The outline and the content of DPR is the same as the techno-economic feasibility report. All
the vital aspects of location and site cost, process/technology, market demand, plant capacity,
product revenue, production costs, profitability, economic benefits, etc, must be covered in
much greater detail in the DPR. The basic difference between the feasibility study report and
DPR is the level of accuracy and the degree of detail. To prepare the DPR from a technoeconomic
feasibility study report, we have to-
1) Breakdown all project components, time-phase and schedule them with more detailed
and accurate cost estimates, deviations from the feasibility study report with explanations,
giving the improved basis for assumptions and calculations,
2) Develop base lines for controlling time and cost during the implementation of the project,
3) Be prepared with all the technical and financial resource required to implement the project.
The items to be covered in DPR are:-
a) Deviations from the feasibility study,
b) Drawings.
c) Physical topographical information,
d) Rates and basis of various cost estimates,
e) Water and power supply-guarantee from power boards/local authority.
f) Estimates relating to land, site development, main part structures auxiliary plant structures,
administrative and other buildings, roads and paved areas, railway sidings, water
supply, effluent disposer, storm water drainage, power supply, construction plant
and equipment, compound wall/fencing, plant layout and equipment, machinery,
spares, foundation, erection, electrification, material handling equipment etc.
g) General – important duty rates, freight and handling, insurance, and contingencies.
h) Assessment of working capital requirements with due consideration of inventory and
credit policies consistent with marketing networking proposed.
Development of ancillary industries is an additional criterion meriting the clearance of DPR
for new projects and expansion of existing facilities. The requirements in this regard are:
(a) All DPRs must indicate the parts, components etc., with approximate annual quantities
proposed to be procured from ancillary industries around the project, for use in construction
operation and maintenance.
(b) When applying for industrial license or letter of intent, where applicable the items
proposed to be procured from ancillary industries around the projects must be started.
(c) Before finalising foreign collaboration agreements, consideration should be given to
items obtainable from ancillary industries.
7.4 Project Appraisal and Cost Benefit Analysis
This section includes :
Project Development cycle
Market appraisal and feasibility
Sources of data for market appraisal
Market survey
Forecasting the demand
Financial appraisal
Economic appraisal
Social Cost Benefit analysis
A comprehensive feasibility study and appraisal are the basis for the successful completion,
implementation and operation of a project. The feasibility study consists of detailed analysis
and appraisal of the project from various relevant angles. Many international and national
organizations such as United Nation /UNIDO; OECD Development Centre, Asian Development
Bank, Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), the Central Planning Commission,
and the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) have issued guidelines for conducting the
project feasibility studies and appraisal projects.
The various activities in the different phases of a caused could be summed up into3 phases, as
per UNIDO classification, i.e.
A. Pre-investment Phase, consists of –
1) Identification of investment opportunity
2) Preliminary project analysis
3) Feasibility study
4) Decision making
B. Implementation Phase, consists of –
1) Project and engineering design
2) Negotiations and contracts
3) Construction
4) Training
5) Plant commissioning.
C. Operational Phase
Which is the longest phase in terms of time span practically covering entire project life cycle.
There are two phases, namely,-
1) Smooth and uninterrupted operations of plant and machinery
2) Development of suitable norms of productivity.
3) Establishing good quality of the product.
4) Securing acceptance of product.
Realisation or betterment or projections with regard to sales, production, cost and profit as
estimated in the feasibility report.
Pre investment phase starts with identification of investment opportunity and calls for analyzing
amongst other things, the following-
Plan priorities
Demand and supply projections of goods and services
Patterns of imports and exports
Natural resources.
Expansion facilities
Consumption pattern.
In the implementation stage, the First is the project and engineering designing which is concerned
with activities like site probing and prospecting, preparation of blue prints and plant
designs, plant engineering selection of specific machineries and equipment. Then comes negotiating
and contracting which relates to conducting discussions, negotiating and drawing up
legal contracts with respect to project financing, acquisition of technology, construction of buildings
and civil works, provision for utilities, supply of machinery and equipment, marketing
arrangements etc., The third step is site preparation, construction of buildings civil works,
creation and installation of machinery and equipment, this is followed by training of personnel
which could also be planned simultaneously with the earlier step. The final step, the implementation
stage is the plant commissioning which heralds the start up of the plant and is the
crucial stage in project development cycle.
The next phase, that is operational phase which covers the entire project life cycle is clearly the
longest phase in terms of time span. It begins when the project is wound up. The objective
from the operational point of view is on smooth and uninterrupted operation of machinery
and plant, development of suitable norms of productivity, establishment of a good quality of
the product and securing the market acceptance of the product. This is a short term objective.
The long run objective is realization or betterment of sales, production, cost and profit as estimated
in the feasibility report.
To determine the viability of a project, number of feasibility studies is conducted with a view
to make realistic appraisal of the project. Aspects of appraisal activity involves, broadly four
The market appraisal.
The technical appraisal.
The financial appraisal.
The economic appraisal.
These will be examined individually in the following paragraphs to underline the important
of the appraisal activity. Before making an investment decision on the project, these appraisal
are to be undertaken.
Market appraisal of a project investment relates to finding out the aggregate demand of the
proposed product/service in future as well as the market share of the proposal under consideration.
To ascertain the above a wide variety of information is required. These data mainly
relate to:
Consumption trends (past, present).
Supply position.
Production possibilities.
Cost structure.
Elasticity of demand.
Consumer behavior.
Distribution channels.
Marketing policies.
Administrative, technical and legal constraints.
The project appraisal exercise, in general, begins with an estimation of the size of the market.
Before undertaking a detailed exercise of finding out the technical and financial feasibility of
the project, it is important to know the approximate size of the market. This is necessary because
the viability of the project depends critically on whether or not the estimated sales satisfy
the demand for that product or services. To conduct the market feasibility of a project, we
must be clear in the first place what data is required for market analysis and the sources of such
data. Many times it also becomes necessary to collect the data from primary sources through
market survey. From these primary and secondary sources of data, demand forecasting is made.
Each of these will be discussed in this section.
Data Required For Market Analysis
The relevant data for market analysis consists of -
i. Effective demand in the previous years and at present,
ii. Classification by product type, consumer category, or geographical area,
iii. Price,
iv. The distribution and sales promotion methods
v. Consumer profile,
vi. Government policy,
vii. Current sources of supply and competitors.
In the determining the previous and present effective demand, the production levels imports,
exports, and changes in stock levels are taken into account. The apparent consumption is adjusted
for productions and the effect of abnormal factors if any. In a free market economy, the
effective demand is the same as apparent consumption. In countries where competitive markets
do not exist for a variety of products due to exchange restrictions and controls on production
and distribution, the apparent consumption has to be adjusted for market imperfections
which are not an easy task.
In order to understand the total market or demand for the product, it is divided into several
segments by product type consumer category, and geographic area. A generic consumer profile
data is of two types—demographic and sociological information, and attitudinal information.
Demographic and sociological data includes age, sex, income, occupation, social back
ground, religion, etc. Data pertaining to attitudes include preferences, likes and dislikes habits,
responses, etc.
Government can influence the demand for a product through its policies, plans, legislation etc.
These are reflected in production capacities, import and export trade controls, import and customs
duties, export incentives, excise duties, sales tax, industrial licensing, credit controls, financial
regulations, etc.
The various types of data required can be obtained from two sources-primary and secondary.
The primary data is collected by conducting market survey: it refers to the data which is collected
for the first time to meet the specific purpose on hand. Secondary data is data which has
been collected in some other context. Secondary data provides the base and the starting point
for market analysis. It indicates what is already known and offers clues and leads for further
investigation. The important sources of secondary information are:
(i) Census data published every ten years containing demographic characteristic, household
size and composition.
(ii) National Sample Survey reports containing data on various economic and social aspects.
(iii) Planning Commission reports containing data on plan, proposals physical and financial
targets, actual outlays, accomplishments etc.
(iv) Statistical Abstracts published by Central Statistical Organisation which contain data on
demographic characteristics, national income estimates, agricultural and industrial statistics.
(v) India Year Book containing wide ranging data on economic and other aspects.
(vi) UN Statistical Year Book giving statistical data relating to population, gross domestic
production, industrial production, world trade etc.
(vii) Annual Economic Survey data on wholesale prices, industrial production, exports, agricultural
production, national income etc.
(viii) Central Statistical Organisation’s Annual Survey of Industries.
(ix) Annual reports published by Commerce and Trade dept. of Indian Government.
(x) Exports and Imports Annual Bulletin of Statistics.
(xi) Techno economic surveys conducted and published by the National Council of Applied
Economic Research.
(xii) Industrial Potential Surveys conducted by all India Financial Institutions under the leadership
of IDBI giving data on several backward areas.
(xiii) Stock Exchange Directory containing data on financial performance of various companies
classified industry wise.
(xiv) Monthly Bulletin of Reserve Bank of India containing data on prices, production indices,
exchange rates, balance of payment, etc.
(xv) Monthly studies of production of selected industries published by Central Statistical
Organisation containing data on production, number of units installed, their capacities
etc. for selected industries.
(xvi) Publications of Advertising Agencies containing data on consumer index of market, test
markets etc. which is valuable for understanding Indian markets.
There are several other publications; those of State Trading Corporation of India, Indian Institute
of Foreign Trade etc. provide useful information. Apart from these, there are industry
specific data which are also available. For example, Indian Automobile Manufacturers Association
publishes annual reports on automobile manufacturers and also on auto ancillary data
on such industries as metallurgical industry, heavy machinery industry, textile industry, cement
industry, chemicals, and electrical industry, and so on.
The advantage of secondary sources of data is that it is readily and economically available. But
the accuracy, reliability and relevance of such data must be studied carefully.
The objectives with which the data is collected
The age of the data and its relevance now
Representative character of the data
Whether it is free from ambiguity
Target population
Manner of choosing the sample
Data collection method
Sampling bias and non response biases in the data gathered
Degree of misrepresentation in data
Data validation and analysis procedures
Proper application of statistical analysis methods.
Secondary data has to be supplemented by primary data for a comprehensive market and
demand analysis. The primary data is collected through market survey, specific for the project
being appraised. There are two types or market survey-census survey and sample survey.
Census survey covers all the members of the population and it is very expensive. Census surveys
are generally done for intermediate goods and investment goods because of the small
size of the population. For these reasons, a market survey generally is a sample survey. A
sample of the total population is selected and data collected for that sample. The data collected
from the sample is used as the basis for drawing conclusions about the population. The data
collected from a market survey includes one or more of the following:
(i) Total demand and demand growth rate.
(ii) Market segment wise demand
(iii) Income and price elasticities of demand
(iv) Motivation for purchase
(v) Procurement plans
(vi) Satisfaction with existing products
(vii) Unsatisfied demand
(viii) Attitude towards various products
(ix) Distributive trade practices and preferences
(x) Socio-economic characteristics of buyers
There are several steps in conducting a market survey. The first step is to identify the target
population. The target population may be divided into segments which may have different
characteristics. The second step is the choice of sample size and the sampling methods. Sampling
method is several: random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, sequential sampling,
systematic sampling, and non-probability sampling. Each of these sampling methods has their
own merits and demerits. Since the reliability of estimates is a function of sample size, the
choice of sample size is important.
The next step is the preparation of questionnaire. Since it is the effective instrument for electing
data, the design of the questionnaire requires thorough understanding of product and its
usage, imagination, insights into human behavior, appreciation of subtle linguistic noises and
familiarity with descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. The questionnaires, validated
by trying initially with few respondents, collect pilot survey and modified in the light of experiences
gained in the pilot survey.
After validating the survey questionnaire, investigators are recruited and trained for conducting
the survey. It is important that these investigators selected have the proper background
knowledge about the product. Response to questionnaire may be collected through personal
interview, telephone, or by mail. Response rate tends to be high with personal interviews, but
it is very time consuming. Sometimes, the response may also be biased. Mail surveys are cost
effective, but response rate is generally low. Telephone interviews have not been widely used
in view of telephone services in the country.
Data collected through questionnaires has to be validated to eliminate data which is inconsistent
and validity dubious. The final steps to analyze and interpret the validated dada, several
methods of statistical analysis are available: these are broadly divided into parametric and
non-parametric methods. Parametric methods assume that the variable under study conform
to known distribution. No such known distribution is assumed under non parametric methods.
The data analysis based on sample survey has to be extrapolated for the target population.
Suitable adjustments have to be made for this purpose.
The results of market survey can be seriously affected due to one or more of the following
i) the sample being non representative
ii) improper phrasing of the questions in the questionnaire
iii) respondent’s inability to understand questions
iv) incorrect answers given by respondents deliberately
v) investigator’s improper handling of the interviews
vi) not checking data for inconsistencies and biases,
vii) Wrong application of statistical method and/or the wrong interpretation of analysis of
After collecting data about the various aspects of the market from primary and secondary
sources then an attempt to forecast the demand is made. The important techniques for forecasting
demand are discussed in the following paragraphs:
Trend Projection Method
The method simply consists of making future demand projections by extrapolating the trend
based on the consumption trends in the previous years. The Trend consumption can be denoted
by one of the following relationships.
Linear relationship Yt = a + bt
Exponential relationship = aebt
(Or) log Yt = log a + bt
Polynomial relationship Yt = a0b+a1t + a2t2 + …..antn
Cobb Douglas relationship Yt = at
Or log Yt = log a + b log t
In the above relationships Yt = demand for the year t
a and b are constants.
The most frequently used relationship is the linear relationship: Y=a + bt
Consumption Level Method
This method makes demand forecasting on the basis of elasticity coefficients, the income elasticity
of demand and the price elasticity of demand. The income elasticity of demand refers to
changes in demand to changes in income. It is measured by using the formula:
1 2
2 1
2 1
2 1
Where, Ex = Income elasticity of demand
Q1 = Quantity demanded in base year
Q2 = Quantity demanded in the following year
I1 = Income level in the base year
I2 = Income level in the following year
Suppose, Q1=75, Q2=82, I1= 1200, I2 =1250
Then E1 =
75 82
1200 1250
1250 1200
82 75
× +
− = 2.185
The information on income elasticity of demand along with projected income may be used to
obtain a demand forecast.
Technical Appraisal
This is a continuous process in the project evaluation system, especially at the project formulation
stage. This appraisal determines the pre-requisites for the successful commissioning of
the project and the choice of location, size and process. The technical appraisal covers aspects
Preliminary tests and studies
Availability of inputs
Optimal selection of scale of operations
Production process
Equipments and machinery
Pollution controls
Factory layout
Work schedules
Social aspects of technology etc.
Financial appraisal of a project is perhaps the most important exercise undertaken by the authorities
concerned. The financial viability of the project i.e., whether the return on capital
employed and burden of servicing debts would be satisfactory must be ascertained before is
taking a decision of investmenting on the project. The information required for financial appraisal
are total investment required and the sources of finance for the project. The total investment
cost includes the cost of fixed assets (land, building, plant and machinery and others)
preliminary expenses, preproduction expenditures and margin for working capital. The financial
appraisal of a project involves the following-
Profitability measurement including aspects like cost of project, cost of capital, profitability
Financial analysis including cash flows, means of financing.
Financial evolution: discounting and non-discounting methods.
The discounting methods of financial evolution are:
Net Present Value (NPV)
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR)
The non-discounting methods of financial evolution are:
Accounting rate of return (ARR)
Payback period
Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR)
Financial evolution under conditions of uncertainty.
Net Present Value (NPV)
NPV is based on the concept that the Rupee value today is more than Rupee value of tomorrow.
It is calculated as the sum of present value of cash inflows – present value of cash outflows.
If the net present value is positive then the project is accepted otherwise the project is
Fianancial Management & international finance 581
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Internal Rate is the rate of return where NPV = 0. It means, it is the point where present value
of inflows = present values of outflows.
Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR)
Benefit-Cost Ratio is another criterion used for evaluating projects. There are two definitions.
The first definition relates the present value of benefits to the initial investment.
Where, BCR = Benefit-Cost Ratio
PVB = Present Value of benefits
I = Initial investment
The second definition. A net measure relates net present value to initial investment.
Where, NBCR = Net Benefit-Cost Ratio
NPV = Net Present Value
PVB = Present value of benefits
I = Initial investment
Cost of Capital is taken as 12 %
Year Cash flow Present value of benefits at 12%
0 -1000` -
1 180 160.74
2 210 167.37
3 220 156.64
4 240 152.64
5 260 147.42
6 275 139.42
7 270 122.04
8 265 107.06
Cash Inflows
BCR = = =
NBCR = BCR – 1 = 1.153 – 1 = 0.153
Accounting Rate of Return (ARR)
The simple rate of return method relies on the operational accounts. It is the ratio of profit in a
normal year of full production to the original investment outlay (fixed assets, preproduction
capital expenditure and net working capital) this ratio can be computed either for the total
investment outlay or for the equity capital, depending on whether the real profitability of the
total investment outlay is to be assessed, or that of the invested equity capital after paying
taxes on profits and interests on borrowed capital. The calculated figure of the Accounting
Rate of Return (ARR) really depends on how the terms “profits” and “capital” are defined.
Capital is defined in two ways:
a) as permanent capital (equity capital, or equity plus reserves, or equity plus reserve plus
long term loans):
b) as total investment cost (fixed capital, or equity plus assets plus pre-production capital
costs plus working capital)
The measure of ARR normally used in practice are: -
(a) Average income after tax/Initial investment
(b) Average income after-tax/ Average investment
(c) Average income after tax but before interest / Initial investment
(d) Average income after tax but before interest / Average investment
(e) Average income before interest and taxes / Initial investment
(f) Average income before interest and taxes/ Average investment
(g) Total income after tax but before depreciation / Initial investment
Avg. Investment = Half of initial investment x project life in years.
Pay Back Period
It defines or gives number of years required to recover the investment = Cash inflows
Debt Service Coverage Ratio
Financial Institutions use the DSCR. It determines the debt repayment capacity of firm. Financial
Institutions use this to evaluate debt payment capacity of the firms.
Interest of long term loan loan repayment instalment
Profit after tax Depreciation Interest on long term loan
+ +
Economic appraisal is a methodology for evaluating investment projects from the social point
of view. Primarily this methodology is applied to public investments for analyzing social cost
and benefits. The direct economic benefits and cost of the project measured in terms of efficiency,
impact of project on distribution of income in the society and level of savings and
investment in society and lastly the contribution of the project towards fulfillment of certain
merit-wants like self sufficiency, employment, social orders etc. are some of the aspects covered
in economic appraisal.
Fianancial Management & international finance 583
Following important points of economic appraisal are to be considered:
Priority list
Sustainable demand
Balance of payment
Employment opportunities
Minimum economic size
The economic analysis in project appraisal for evaluating investment projects is an important
consideration in the analysis of social cost benefit.
Thus SCBA also referred to as economic society benefit analysis, is a part of the economic
analysis in project appraisal. SCBA is also relevant in major investments which required
Governmental approval since these investments are bearing on national consideration.
The basic difference between commercial calculation and SCBA computations in project appraisal
lies in the following:
Commercial Calculation SCBA
1. Structured objective of higher profitability Effect on society, health of society, rest on use
product etc.
2. Private interest is kept in mind Wider view on national interest is considered
3. Singular objective Divergent objectives not conflicting with each other.
4. Return on investment (Maximisation) Rate of return to be compared with social economy,
apportionment of benefits and costs to different
time periods, even generation differences are
5. Objectives is, “at any cost” achievement Systematizing complex problems of project
planning from point of view of society and nation.
Managerial Competence
The assessment of Managerial capabilities is crucial aspect of the appraisal process as the success
of the project depends upon the managerial capabilities of promoters or the senior management.
In doing the managerial feasibilities study normally institutions consider the following
Are the promoters of the project entrepreneurs only or managers as well?
Which are the areas in which they have got expertise?
Whether they have experience in the related fields?
What has been the nature of their past managerial experience?
Have they been successful in developing a professional team of their organizations?
Whether proper delegation has been implemented in the organization?
What type of management style they have been adopting?
7.5 Sources Of Project Finance And Foreign Collaboration
This Section includes:
Project finance is a subject developed several years ago and the term has acquired several
different, and sometimes rather specialized, meanings. In this study note, the term project
finance is used in a broad sense meaning the arrangement of sufficient funds to finance the
development and construction of a specific major project.
The ways and means of financing a project depends upon the type of development and vary
from project to project. In some projects the sponsors will undertake full responsibility for
arranging the financial package, leaving the contractor to produce the technical response to
the tender incitation. In others, the sponsor will require the contractor to produce a technical
proposal supported by a full financing proposal. Whatever approach is taken, there is a wide
variety of available financing options. These include capital issues, commercial borrowing,
export credits, bilateral and multilateral aid.
The different ways and means of financing projects
The Sources of finance
Role of national and state level financial institution in financing project.
Tax considerations and incentives in project finance.
Project Financing Situations
For a very long time projects sponsors in developed countries are well experienced in utilizing
funds raised by taxation, the subscription of equity by private investors, the issue of capital
bonds and the arrangements of loans against acceptable security. The enormous increase in
development costs in recent years has placed many projects, even in developed nations, outside
the scope of the traditional methods and project sponsors and contractors increasingly are
required to design alternate financing schemes. Financial assistance is available form
governments as part of their internal programmes of economic development and these are a
useful source of project funds. Many projects which are at one time considered the responsibility
of public sector are now considered for privatization. While this is a new trend in the recent
years, we should not assume that privatization will relieve the public sector of all its financial
responsibilities towards a project. Many of the projects suggested for privatization are for public
benefit and as such it is inevitable that they will continue to have environment, social and
Sources of project finance
Long term funds
Short term funds
Foreign currency funds
Foreign collaborations
infrastructural implications which will remain the concern of governments and for which
government will remain at least partially financially responsible.
Most major projects in developing countries are in the public sector. If finance is required for
these projects, the sponsor will usually be the government and the project will probably be
part of a larger scheme contained within a national economic or development plan. Not many
projects of this kind can be assessed in conventional balance sheet terms and it will be similar
agencies to determine whether a project is viable within the context of the national plan as a
whole. The lending institution will often have to content itself with an examination of the
social and political situation in the country and the ability of the economy to generate sufficient
foreign earnings to repay the loan. If it is satisfied with all the factors, the lending institution
may be prepared to lend against the guarantee of the government .This is no to suggest that
project financing in the developing countries like India, fits neatly within specific categories.
Some projects may be part self-financing and part government sponsored, while some others
may involve the participation of major corporations in partnership with a government agency
like the State Industrial Development Corporation. Further, the project may seek funds from a
wide variety of sources including financial institutions, export credit agencies, development
agencies, bilateral aid, or a combination of these. Such considerations make it necessary to
examine all the available methods of funding so that the sponsor can obtain the best mix of
financing facilities. Both sponsors and contractors may wish to call upon an experienced financial
institution, to assess the various financing alternatives and suggest the most desirable one.
Many projects for the development and processing of natural resources – agricultural, mineral,
etc. are undertaken by major corporations whose financial position is generally sufficient to
enable then to undertake the projects, backed by the strength of their own balance sheets. But,
the cost of some projects is now so large that even large business houses are becoming
increasingly unwilling to make disproportionate financial commitments towards one particular
project and are seeking ways to raise the necessary finances, either within the country or in
international financial markets. (Ex issue of Euro-bonds in recent times) In order to meet this
requirement, the technique of “Limited resource financing” has been developed so that the
financial commitment and the risks associated with a project are shared between the project
sponsor and the lending institutions; the lender’s recourse for repayment is limited primarily
to revenues form the project itself.
There are no common sources of project finance applicable to all projects – projects in the
public, joint, and private sectors. Some of the project finance sources are exclusively for the
public sector projects while some others are exclusively for the private sector projects. Private
sector projects are mostly taken up with capital raised in the share market. Until recently,
public sector companies are not listed on stock exchange; a few public sector undertakings are
now listed on stock exchanges. Availability of funds of a certain class is also linked with the
undertaking’s industry and size. For instance, the eligibility criteria for raising funds through
the Commercial Paper include a minimum tangible net worth of one crore rupees, a fund
based working capital limit of twenty five crore rupees and listing on one or more stock
exchanges among several others.
The major sources of finance can be broadly classified into:
(a) Long – term rupee funds.
(b) Short term rupee funds.
(c) Foreign currency funds.
The long term funds are raised through:
i) Equity and Preference Share Capital including promoters group’s contribution, seed capital
assistance, risk capital foundation scheme etc.
ii) Debentures, convertible and non-convertible.
iii) Long term loans, like rupee-term loans, foreign currency term loans. Euro-issues deferred
iv) Public sector bonds (unsecured loans and deposits).
v) Lease financing (lease and hire purchase).
vi) Internal generation of funds, (retained profit, depreciation).
vii) Central Government Budgetary Support like subsidies, sales tax deferment and exemption.
viii) Bill rediscounting schemes, suppliers line of credit.
Equity and Preference Share Capital
Equity Capital represents permanent capital and there is no liability for repayment. There is
also no obligation to pay dividends on equity capital. The cost of equity capital in high because
dividends are not tax deductible expenses. The cost of issuing equity capital is also high.
SEBI has issued guidelines for the issue of equity shares for public subscription. The amount of
equity capital issued for public subscription is decided after working out the debt-equity ratio
and the promoters’ contribution. Generally, debt-equity ratio, promoters’ contribution, and
the amount of equity issued for public subscription are decided collectively by the consortium
of banks, financial institutions, the financial consultant, the merchant bank and the finance
manager cum secretary of the firm. Once the pattern of financing the project and the amount of
public issue are determined, the responsibility for managing the issue is assigned to a merchant
It is important to maintain balance between own funds (equity) and borrowed funds (debt).
After estimating the total funds required for the project, the amount to be raised as equity
share capital and the amount to be borrowed must be determined. In this context, it must be
remembered that the cost of borrowed capital is cheaper than the cost of equity capital. This is
because dividends on equity share capital are paid form profit after tax, while interest on
borrowed funds is paid from profit before tax, treating it as any other item of normal expenditure.
The usual practice is to meet the initial capital investment including the margin for working
capital be equity share capital and long term borrowings of various types. The working capital
requirements are made from short-term and medium term borrowings. For the purpose of
determining ratio, equity, as defined by the financial institutions consists of:
i) Paid-up ordinary share capital
ii) Irredeemable preference shares
iii) Preference shares redeemable after three years.
iv) Net free reserves and trained profits
v) Share premium
vi) Interest free unsecured loans of long term nature
vii) Non-refundable deposits, if any; and
viii) Capital subsidy/cash subsidy from Central / State Governments
The debt, also defined by the financial institutions, consists of :
a) Term loans and deposits repayable after 12 months
b) Deferred credits
c) Preference shares redeemable within 3 years
d) Convertible debentures till their conversion
e) Non –convertible debentures
f) Unsecured loans.
Long Term Loans
The largest single source of project financing is the long term institutional assistance. There are
several national and international financing institutions which either lend their own funds
directly or act as agents for channel sing funds flowing from government, bigger lending
institutions or foreign governments.
The main development banks and development institutions are the Industrial Development
Bank of India (IDBI), the Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI), Industrial Credit and
Investment Corporation of India (ICICI), Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India (IRBI), Power
Finance Corporation (PFC), National Housing Bank (NKB), and Small Industries Development
Bank of India (SIDBI),. The investment institutions are the Life Insurance Corporation of India
(LIC), Unit trust of India, (UTI) and General Insurance Corporations (GIC), Besides these
major institutions, there are mutual funds promoted by some of these institutions and the
commercial banks. There are about fifty development financing institutions and all these
participate inequity investment and also give term-loans. The sources of funds for these
institutions are deposits, borrowings and income form investments. Further, they also borrow
from government and Reserve Bank of India.
The IDBI, as the apex development bank, coordinates the activities of all development financing
institutions (DFI). As the coordinating agency, IDBI caters to the project financing requirements
of all viable industrial projects either directly or through DFIs. The DFI assistance is at two
levels. In the first level, they assist project costing up to Rs. 5 crores through State Financial and
State Industrial Development Corporation. In the second level, projects costing more than Rs.
5 crores are assisted directly by any one of the DFIs, or in consortium with other Disinvestment
institutions or commercial banks. The consortium approach is adopted when the requirements
are more than Rs. 20 crores. The DFIs give financial assistance only to industrial projects which
(i) employment and export oriented;
(ii) intended for import substitution,
(iii) established in backward areas,
(iv) promoted by new entrepreneurs,
(v) using locally developed technology, and
(vi) Aimed at energy saving and pollution control.
The assistance provided by DFIs is of two types:-
(i) term loans in both rupee and foreign currency;
(ii) Financial guarantees in rupees and foreign currency for deferred credits and loans rose
from those sources.
The basic lending rate varies between 18 and 20 percent for direct financial assistance. Foreign
currency loans out of Euro-currency borrowings carry interest at two percent over London
Inter bank Offer Rate (LIBOR). Loans out of other foreign lines of credit usually carry fixed rate
of interest, depending on the source of borrowing. The period for repayment and moratorium
are fixed on the basis of gestation period extends from 8 to 10 years including moratorium of
one to two years.
The financial assistance provided by DFIs are fully secured by way of equitable mortgage,
hypothecation of fixed assets and movable property acquired with the loan funds. DFIs may
require the personal guarantees of entrepreneurs if the financial position is week. DFIs expect
promoters to contribute 15 to 25 per cent out of the 40 percent equity component in the project
cost as their own contribution. In order to discourage project cost overrun, the DFIs insist that
the entire amount of overrun should b e financed by promoters, additional contributions. This
requirement generally delays the project completion as finding additional funds from their
own sources is difficult. The DFIs through their nominees on the Boards, without interfering
with day-today management, keep themselves acquainted with the affairs financial
performance, inter corporate investments, share transactions award of contracts, and major
items of management expenses, payments due to institutions, statutory and other items due to
government of the enterprise. The general conditions applicable for financial assistance under
this scheme relate to the composition of the Board of Directors, managerial setup, Government
sanctions and approvals, sale or purchase of assets, payment of dividends etc.
After receiving applications seeking project financial assistance, the DFIs follow the standard
procedure before sanctioning assistance. The initial prima-facie clearance is followed by detailed
appraisal and formal sanction. When a consortium approach is adopted, the lead institution
along other DFIs will be carrying out the appraisal jointly. On the a basis of the appraisal, the
institution and other DFIs. Will be sanctioning their share of assistance. The DFIs have
streamlined the procedures for consortium assistance through a single window clearance for
all pre –sanction and post sanction matters. After the lead institution is designated IDBI, IFCI,
or INICI entrepreneurs are required to deal only with that institution for all matters concerning
sanction, disbursement and repayment of dues. Under project finance scheme, the entire loan
assistance can be sanctioned and disbursed by the lead institution, which can claim
reimbursement from other institutions later to the extent of their respective participation and
share in the risk.
There are two schemes for granting bridging by DFIs. One is against term – loan and the other
is against underwriting of share issue. In order to implement the project as per schedule, the
DFI makes a partial disbursement against term – loan sanctioned by it, pending completion of
all other formalities. Such a disbursement generally does not exceed 75 per cent of the sanctioned
loan against hypothecation of moveable assets and personal guarantees of promoters/
directions. This is usually in the nature of a demand loan. If the DFIs are satisfied with the
reasons for a delay in making the public issue, bridge financier may be provided against
underwriting commitments.
DFIs are authorized to deal in foreign exchange and can establish letter of credit for import of
capital goods for the projects which have been granted loans in rupee or foreign currency. The
loan granted DFIs is disbursed, after the loan agreement is signed and the progress of work
relating to procurement and construction is assessed and certified.
Power Finance Corporation (PFC), National Housing Bank (NHB) and Industrial Reconstruction
Bank of India (IRBI) are DFIs intended to serve specific areas. PFC is for the purpose of raising
funds to finance power projects. Similarly, NHB is for giving financial assistance to house
building projects., The Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), a subsidiary of
IDBI, provides financial assistance to small scale industries. IRBI gives concessional assistance
to sick undertakings after the revival proposals are cleared by the Board of Industrial and
Financial Reconstruction (BIFR) another agency which renders short term financial assistance
for restructuring sick undertaking is the National Renewal Found (NRF).
Financial assistance on long term basis is also available to projects for replacement /renovation
and /or adding balancing facilities for improving productivity, enhancing the quality,
conserving energy, and overall efficiency. Equipment required for modernization, replacement
and balancing facilities are available under the deferred payment scheme of ICICI which is
operated through commercial banks. The equipment manufacturer extends deferred credit to
the actual users of equipments up to certain amount fixed by ICICI. The equipment manufacturer
is paid by ICICI through his bank as soon as the equipment is supplied. The entrepreneur pays
through his bank to the ICICI in installments with interest as per agreement.
The Investment Corporations _ LIC, UTI, and GIC- invest their funds in the equity of good
projects following the investment policies laid down by the Boards of these corporations. Private
sector companies as well as public sector enterprises under the same administrative ministry
transfer funds from the one enterprise to another in order to help the one which is in need of
financial assistance. These are called inter corporate loans. In the case of public sector enterprises,
Government has to give its approval for such transfer.
Public Sector Bonds
Public sector enterprises are allowed to issue bonds in order to raise funds for –
i) establishing new projects,
ii) expansion or diversification of existing projects.
iii) modernization facilities, and
iv) meeting working capital requirements.
The bonds issued by public sector enterprises are similar to debentures. These bonds are of
two types – taxable bonds and tax free bonds. The amount of issue of bonds for project financing
and other purpose has to be approved by the Finance Ministry. The rates of interest for both
taxable and tax free bonds should be within the limit fixed by the government. Interest is paid
half-yearly in the form of post dated interest coupons or cheques which are attached with the
bond and sent to the subscribers. The investor therefore gets the interest promptly on the due
The public sector undertaking can buy back these bonds after a lock in period of 3 years from
the date of allotment. The bonds can be placed with the investment institutions, and listed on
stock exchanges. These bonds can be transferred by endorsement and delivery.
Lease Financing
A number of non-banking financial companies and even some banks are engaged in the business
of lease financing. The leasing companies pay the full price of all required equipment and then
lease them out to the lessee under a lease agreement providing for repayment of principal and
interest in quarterly or monthly installments. At the end of the lease period, the ownership of
the equipment is transferred to the lessee at a nominal residual value. The rate of interest
charged for lease financing is higher than lending rate. The repayment capacity of the lessee is
the main factor of credit worthiness.
Lease financing has several advantages. The lessee need not invest the capital in full as one
time single investment. Generally, the processing time for sanctioning lease finance is fast.
When the equipment is no longer needed, the lessee can terminate the agreement and ask
lessor to take away the equipment. The lease installment is allowed as deductible expense for
tax purpose.
Lease financing has also certain drawbacks. First the interest payment is high. Second, the
leased assets do not contribute to the net worth. Third, depreciation allowance cannot be claimed
during the period of lease agreement i.e. until the equipment is legally transferred in the name
of lessee. Four in case of termination of lease agreement before its expiry, the installments paid
towards principal are not fully refunded, because the lessor will charge penal interest for preclosing
the account and since he may not readily find another lessee to take over and use the
equipment. And lastly, the lessee has no freedom to move the leased equipment form one
place to another.
Internally Generated Funds
Provision for depreciation which is not a cash expenditure and the profits reserved or retained
after payment of dividends are the main sources of internally generated funds. These are
available only to an existing enterprise but not a new one.
Budgetary Support from Government
The initial capital investment to the central public sector undertaking is usually in the form of
budgetary support from government. This is given partly in the form of equity and partly as a
loan. The undertaking pays interest on the loan component, and dividend on the equity
component. The loan has to be repaid to the government within a period of fifteen years
including a period of moratorium which covers the period of construction and stabilization.
Interest for this period is capitalized and added to the loan. The foreign exchange component
of budgetary support is given from bilateral and / or multilateral aid available in foreign
currency and free foreign exchange reserves.
Short term funds are usually required for working capital; to operate the project after it is
completed. The working capital consists of the margin to be provided by the entrepreneur and
the bulk of the balance is borrowed from a commercial bank or some other source as short term
finance. The margin to be provided by the entrepreneur is included in the project cost estimates
and is in financed from the various means of financing discussed earlier. The main sources of
working capital are :-
(i) Commercial banks,
(ii) The type of debentures issued for meeting working capital requirements are usually the
non-convertible debentures.
Commercial Banks
Commercial banks are a major source of short-term finance for business enterprises. Commercial
banks, lending norms for working capital are based on the recommendations of the Tandon
Committee. The committee has suggested two alternate methods. Under the first method, the
working capital to be financed by banks is 75per cent of the gap between total current assets
and current liabilities; the remaining 25% called margin is included under project cost financed
by long term funds. In the second method the gap is determined by subtracting current liabilities
from 75% of total current assets. In the subsequent period, a committee appointed by the Reserve
Bank of India endorsed the second method.
The working capital requirement is very large in the case of very large projects. In such cases,
several commercial banks may form a consortium and provide working capital finance to the
large enterprises. The large amount of working capital, approximately Rs.640 crores to Reliance
Industries is provided by a consortium of nationalized banks with Syndicate bank as the lead
Where raw materials and component are imported, the foreign exchange requirement has to
be met from short term working capital. For such imports Payment in rupees is made
immediately against release of foreign currency.
The enterprise seeking to avail working capital facility, both in cash and in terms guarantees or
letters of credit has to submit an application in the prescribed form accompanied by financial
statement (current as well as future projections). After the sanction is obtained inventories and
receivables are hypothecated to the bank and the charge in favour of the bank is filed with the
Registrar of Companies Even if a large amount is sanctioned, money can be drawn only
according to the ‘drawing power’ determined by accumulated current assets.
A study of the working capital needs met by commercial banks shown that approximately 30
per cent of the requirements only are met my banks; another 30 percent is met from nonconvertible
debentures and the remaining 35 to 40 per cent is financed from long term sources
comprising owners’ funds, fixed deposits, and contributions from financial institutions.
Public Deposit
Public deposit is deposits accepted from public by—-
a. public and private non banking non-financial companies,
b. public and private limited non-banking financial companies,
c. government companies since 1980
d. branches of foreign companies,
e. partnership firms, and
f. Proprietary concerns.
The no financial type organizations account for the largest proportion of total public deposits.
The public deposits with companies are divided into two categories, (a) deposits and (b)
exempted borrowings. The deposits are-
(i) loans guaranteed by the former managing agent or secretaries and treasures,
(ii) unsecured debentures,
(iii) deposits and unsecured loans from shareholders,
(iv) deposits and unsecured members in the case of mutual benefit financial companies
(v) fixed deposits,
(vi) deposits from associate members in the case of mutual benefit companies, and
(vii) Other deposits.
The exempted borrowings are:
i) borrowings from former managing agents and secretaries and treasurers
ii) money from shareholders in the case of private companies,
iii) security deposits from employees,
iv) money received from selling and purchasing
v) money received from joint stock companies of the same group or others, and
vi) security deposits companies of the same group or others, and
vii) other borrowings (loans from government and security deposits from customers).
viii) Money received from Directors,
Commercial Paper
Commercial paper, as a source of shout –term financing of working capital needs, is a recent
phenomenon. The commercial paper was introduced by RBI in early 1990 with a view to enable
highly rated corporate borrowers to diversify their sources of short term borrowing. Commercial
paper, as defined by Jame C.Van Horne in his book Financial Management and Policy, is a
short term unsecured promissory note issued by finance companies and certain industrial
concerns. While the commercial paper as financial instruments is prevalent in both USA and
Europe, its entry in India is recent. The Vaghul Committee set up by RBI in 1986, recommended
the introduction of commercial paper with the objective of providing reasonable access to users
of short term money to meet their requirements at a realistic price. In the opinion of the
Committee, the commercial paper market has the advantage of giving highly rated corporate
borrowers cheaper funds than they could obtain from the banks while still providing
institutional investors with higher earnings than they could obtain from the banking system.
The main features of commercial paper are:
(a) Commercial paper is an unsecured promissory not tied to any specific transaction. It is
privately placed with investors through the agency of banks or other financial institution.
(b) The issuing company should have a tangible net worth of Rs. 5 crores: enjoy a working
capital limit of not less than Rs. 10 crores; be listed on stock exchange ; obtain a minimum
credit rating from an approved credit rating agency, such as CRISIL; and have a minimum
current ration of 1.33.
Supplier’ Credit
Suppliers’ credit available for one to three months for supply of raw materials and other inputs
is a source of short tem financing. With the introduction of just-in production and inventory
control techniques in a right political and economic climate, situation may arise when the
working capital requirements will be very little, making it possible to pay the suppliers of raw
materials and other inputs form the sale proceeds of finished good.
Many large projects involve expenditure in foreign exchange. All foreign exchange requirements
of projects have to be approved either RBI or by the Secretariat of Industrial Approvals in the
government. Once the approval is given, the enterprise can draw foreign exchange from the
sources indicated in the approved application.
Free Foreign Exchange form Dealers and form Development Banks
One of the sources of foreign exchange is the exchange available from commercial banks and
financial institution which are authorized to buy and sell. The required amount of foreign
currency can be purchased form the authorized banks or financial institutions by presenting to
them the approved applications. The foreign currency so purchased can be remitted directly to
the foreign party through banking channels based on bills and documents. The development
financial institutions can give a loan to meet an urgent expenditure in foreign currency in
connection with the project, when there is some delay in receiving the foreign currency. The
development financial institutions can also disburse a part of the rupee loan previously granted,
in foreign exchange to meet the import requirements of the project.
The Technical Development Funds Scheme of the government permits all existing undertaking,
to import:-
(i) all types of capital equipment,
(ii) technical know-how,
(iii) technical consultancy service,
(iv) technical drawings and designs,
(v) Technical assistance for modernization and up gradation of technology.
The objectives in permitting these imports is to:-
i) enhance significantly the export potential,
ii) cost reduction,
iii) capacity utilization,
iv) technology up gradation,
v) product diversification, modernization and / or rationalization of product mix
vi) more efficient utilization or conservation of raw material/inputs, and
vii) energy saving.
The assistance under this scheme is up to US 50 million dollars per unit. This amount can also
be used for meeting part of import duty and incidental expenses, subject to a maximum of 25
per cent of CIF value of import license. As amount up to Rs. 10 million in foreign exchange per
annum per unit is allowed by RBI for the import of designs and drawings.
External Commercial Borrowings
External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) is the amount borrowed by the Government through
designated agents form All India Financial Institutions (AIFI). The government borrowed these
amounts in the international money market during 1991 and 1992 to meet the massive exchange
deficits. The lenders include Asian Development Bank (ADB) and International Monetary Fund
(IMF). Any existing undertaking is permitted to make direct commercial borrowing if the
Department of Economic Affairs is satisfied with the proposal submitted do it. Direct external
commercial borrowing of the total foreign exchange requirements may be permitted while the
other part should be financed through rupee payments quadrilateral aid or free foreign exchange
releases. In general, the government’s policy’s to discourage individual undertaking directly
making external commercial borrowings. But if a project is 100 per cent Export Oriented unit
(EOU), the entire foreign exchange component is allowed to meet through direct external
commercial borrowings.
There are two main sources of commercial borrowings:
(i) mobilization of funds in the international money market, and
(ii) Export credit.
All borrowings in the international market are handled by All India Financial Institutions.
They borrow in their name and lend them at a higher rate in India. Undertaking with good
track record and capable of getting a good credit rating by a reputed credit rating agency can
succeed in mobilizing large amounts of money in the international money market. The credit
rating of an undertaking depends on :
(i) management philosophy,
(ii) country’s credit worthiness,
(iii) the importance of the undertaking in the industry and the country’s economy,
(iv) the importance of the industry to which undertaking belongs,
(v) operating efficiency and market position,
(vi) Accounting policies, and a comparison of key performance indices with those of
There are three options under ECB:
(i) Raising loans from foreign commercial banks
In order to raise loans from foreign commercial banks the undertaking, should enter into
negotiations with the willing banks and obtain “in principle” consent from the bank and place
the bank’s consent before the Department of Economic Affairs (DEA). After the terms and
conditions of the proposed borrowings are examined and approved by DEA, the undertaking
can sign the loan agreement with the bank. Corporate borrowings must also receive the approval
of the Department of Company Affairs (DCA). The RBI’s exchange control department will
authorize the borrowing after receiving the copy of loan agreement with the copies of approvals
from DEA and DCA. After receiving RBI authorization and undertaking’s compliance of the
terms and conditions, the foreign commercial bank ill disburse the loan. Sometimes, two or
more foreign banks give a loan, called a syndicated loan, which is similar to consortium lending.
One of these banks will act as the lead bank which manages the loan.
(ii) Raising funds, by floating bonds, in the international market
Funds can be raised by floating bonds in the international markets, after securing permission
from DEA. This task of raising funds through bonds is generally entrusted to specialized
international financial services agency. In the last couple of years, several undertakings have
raised funds through bonds in the international money market.
(iii) Supplier countries export credit
Supplier countries export credits are of two types-supplier’s credit and buyer’s credit. Both
these types of credits come under the financial assistance extended to exporters in industrially
advanced countries for promoting exports to developing countries. Under the buyer’s credit
scheme, the undertaking, as a buyer, enters into an agreement with overseas supplier with
deferred payment conditions. The overseas supplier realizes his money immediately from his
country’s banking system. They, in turn, collect the deferred installments with interest at agreed
rates from the undertaking through the Indian banking system. The credit resulting from this
kind of transaction is insured under export credit guarantee insurance. Thus, the insurer also is
a party to the agreement with the overseas supplier. Under the supplier’s credit scheme, the
overseas supplier gets finance from his bank for the supplies made. His bank finances him for
the agreement concluded with the importer on the basis of importer’s promissory notes
supported by an irrevocable letters of guarantee issued by the importer’s bank or IDBI with the
approval of RBI. Export credits are more desirable than commercial borrowing because of
comparatively lower interest rates and repayment period besides grace period covering the
construction phase.
External Aid
External aid, available only through the government, is of two types- bilateral aid and
multilateral aid.
Bilateral aid as the name implies, is an aid form one government to another government.
Generally the donor is an industrially affluent one, and the recipient or beneficiary belongs to
developing or underdeveloped country. The Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund of Japan
and Overseas Development Administration of UK are examples of this nature. The assistance
from the developed countries are conditional, tied to buying their equipment and known how.
They are project specific, designed to finance particular projects of interest to them. There is
special financial aid extended by foreign governments on a product sharing basis. An example
is the assistance from Iran government for the Kudremukh iron ore project which provided for
sharing of iron ore with Iran for a certain number of years at an agreed price until the assistance
is paid back. A third category is the special assistance offered by rich Gulf Countries (Saudi
Arabia, Kuwait, UAE) to developing countries at confessional interest rates and on easy
repayment terms.
Multilateral aid is available from international financial institutions like the Word Bank group,
consisting of International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International
Development Association (IDA), International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Multilateral
Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The member
countries of these institutions subscribe huge sums of money. These institutions also borrow
in the international capital market. They lend to member countries who wish to invest in
development projects. ADB is relatively small with only 47 member countries, concentrating
on the economic and social development of developing member countries of Asia-Pacific region.
IBRD raises funds through the sale of AAA credit rated bonds in international capital market.
It lends funds to the credit worthy developing countries with relatively high precipitate income.
The rate of interest varies and set at half percent higher than its average borrowing rate. The
repayment period is 12 to 15 years with a grace period of 3 to 5 years. Loans are given to
governments or to agencies which produce a guarantee from the government.
IDA provides assistance on confessional terms to the poor developing countries that are not
sufficiently credit worthy to deserve aid from IBRD. IDA receives its funding from contributions
made by wealthier member countries. The IDA assistance is for longer periods of 35 to 40
years. it does not charge any interest but collect 0.75% annual service charge. IDA is also made
only to governments.
MIGA encourage foreign investment in developing countries by providing guarantees to foreign
investors against losses caused by non commercial risks. It providing guarantees to foreign
investors against losses caused by non commercial risks. It provides advisory services to
developing member countries on how to improve their environment for foreign investment.
UNDP Country Programme almsgivers project assistance for technical cooperation with selected
national development objectives. The UNDP assistance comprises of funding for provision of
personnel for technical assistance, project management training in specialized fields, supply of
special equipment etc.
External aid is offered in the form of –
(i) soft loans,
(ii) grants,
(iii) mixed credits,
(iv) technical assistance, and
(v) Commodity assistance.
Soft loan is offered on a government to government basis, either free of interest or at a very low
rate of interest. Repayment period for these loans is up to 50 years with a grace period of 10
years. Grants are given by some countries out of the funds earmarked for assisting poor
countries. Mixed credits are partly soft loans at low rate and partly commercial loan at normal
rate of interests. Technical assistance is extended under individual agreements for technical
cooperation programmes, like the UNDP programmes. Commodity assistance as the name
suggests given in the form of commodities like fertilizers, milk powder, oil etc. the sale proceeds
of these commodities are used for specific projects.;
Assistance from International Finance Corporation
The IFC provides financial assistance to the private sector in the developing member countries.
The assistance takes the form of equity participation loan, usually in collaboration with other
investors. The DEAs clearance is necessary for any undertaking in the private sector to approach
IFC for financial assistance. It can grant loans in the currency of the member country or
Switzerland for meeting foreign currency expenditure. The equity participation is only in the
currency of the member country. Normally the amount of assistance is between 5 and 50 million
US dollars subject to a maximum of 25 per cent of the project cost. Loans are repayable in 7 to
12 years with normal interest and usual commitment charges on undisguised amounts of
sanctioned loans. IFC does not require any guarantee from the government.
Investment from Oil Exporting Developing Countries
An important source of foreign assistance is the investments from institutions and individuals
from oil exporting countries in Africa and Persian Gulf which are not industrially advanced.
Such investments cans be in equity. Loans debentures, bonds, etc. subject to certain limits and
restricted to new enterprises, hotels and hospitals. Clearance from RBI is needed for such
Collaborators Equity participation
Equity participation by collaborators is the widely accepted form of foreign investment. Until
1991, foreign collaborations are not encouraged and there was limit on the extent of equity
participation by foreign collaborators. After the government’s liberalization policy in 1991,
collaboration is allowed in more areas and the limit for equity participation by foreign
collaborator is increased, even allowing the foreign collaborator to have a majority shareholding.
During the last 2 to 3 years the number of foreign collaborations approved by government
increased substantially and the direct foreign investment reached 10 billion US dollars. This is
considered very small when compared with the direct foreign investment in China.
Share Subscription by Overseas Investors
Individual and institutional investors in the developed countries evinced considerable interest
in equity participation in large Indian Industrial houses with good track record. Euro convertible
bonds and global Depository Shares (GDS) of prominent Indian companies have become popular
instruments abroad. Euro convertible bonds are convertible later into stock.
The Indian Government allowed several large companies- Reliance Industries, Tosco, Grassim
Industries, Essar Gujrat- to raise equity abroad, and they decided to make private placement
offerings of their shares. Morgan Stanley International and Lehman Brother managed the public
placement offering of Reliance Industries. They raised 175 million US dollars: the issue in the
form of GDS was over subscribed five times ICICI acted as the custodian of shares and the
Bank of New York as the depository. The investors consisted of mutual funds, pension funds
and some wealthy individuals from USA and countries in Far East. This is as source which the
large going concerns and mighty promoters with excellent background capable of generating
investor confidence in new projects can consider. The foreign exchange cost will be only the
dividends pm types equity shares.
Share Subscription by Non-resident Indians
One of the long term sources of foreign exchange to meet the project’s foreign exchange
component of cost is the share subscriptions by NRIs in foreign exchange. Depending on the
mix of financing and the total amount of requirements, the NRIO equity may be sufficient to
meet the entire foreign currency requirement.
A number of financial institutions have been established in India, which represent the major
providers of finance for industrial projects. These cans be broadly divided into All India Financial
Institutions and State level Financial Institutions. The All India Institutions are:-
i) Industrial Finance Corporation of India, (IFCI)
ii) Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation in India (ICICI),
iii) Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI),
iv) Life Insurance Corporation of India,
v) Industrial Reconstruction Corporation of India,
vi) Unit Trust of India,
vii) National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.(NSIC)
The state level institutions are the State Finance Corporations and the State Industrial
Development Corporations.
Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI)
IFCI, established in 1948, extends financial assistance to public limited companies, public sector
undertakings, and cooperative societies engaged in manufacturing and other activities. It
receives applications for assistance exceeding Rs 30 Lakhs. The assistance provided by IFCI is
in the natures of granting long term loans, both in rupees and foreign currency: underwriting
of equity, preference and debenture capital: offering guarantees for deferred payments in respect
of machinery imported from abroad or purchased within the country: and guaranteeing loans
raised in foreign countries in foreign currency. It played a vital role in financing projects in less
developed areas. Projects set up in less developed areas receive confessional finance, such as
lower rate of interest, longer initial grace period, extended repayment period, reduced security
margin, lower contribution from promoters towards project cost, larger participation in equity
and preference capital lower commitment fee, reduced underwriting commission and lower
charges for processing applications and legal services.
Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI)
ICICI, established in 1955, offers assistance to private sector enterprises, regardless of form of
organization, to meet foreign exchange requirements. There are no restrictions on the size of
the enterprise, and there is no maximum or minimum limit on the investment. But, in practice,
the lower limit for financing limited companies is at Rs 5 lakhs. The nature of ICICI’s financial
assistance is in the form of long term and medium tem loans, not in rupees and foreign
currencies: underwriting of equity, preference, and debentures issues: subscription to equity
capitals: and guaranteeing repayments of loans from other sources.
Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI)
IDBI, setup in 1964, is the apex financial institution in India, entrusted with task of coordinating
the working of various institutions engaged in financing promoting, or developing industry,
for assisting the development of such institutions, and for providing credit and other facilities
for the development of industry. IDBI is responsible for all these, within the framework of
priorities established at the national level.
IDBI can finance all types of industrial concerns. But usually it concentrates on projects, as
direct financing is concerned, which are large and complicated and which involve huge capital
outlay or sophisticated technologies. It also considers giving financial assistance to projects
located in less developed area, and to projects promoted technocrats.
IDBI’s purpose is to supplement the activities of other financial institutions and hence prefers
not to assist units whose requirements can be met by other institutions.
Other All –India Institutions
Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India (IRBI)
The IRBI is an agency which was established in 1975 to help the rehabilitation and reconstruction
of industrial undertakings which have been closed or face the risk of closure. The IRBI’s
assistance takes various forms. These include: financial assistance which is not available from
normal channels of finance and banking technical assistance and guidance to sick units to
revive them: managerial assistance in all the functional areas of management: and suggestions
for rehabilitation and reconstruction. The main activity of IRBI is granting reconstruction loans
and guarantees on soft terms.
Life insurance Corporation of India (LIC)
LIC came into being in 1956 following the nationalization of life insurance business. While
LICs primarily activity is life insurance business, it has grown into a development finance
institution and maintains close relationship with other financial institutions. The financial
assistance provided by LIC is in the nature of granting term loans, subscription to or
underwriting of new issues of shares and bonds/debentures, investment in shares and bond/
debentures of public sector undertakings as well as public limited companies in private sector.
Unit Trust of India (UTI)
The main objective with which UTI was established in 1964 is to mobilize savings from public
and channeling them into productive corporate investments. Its main resource is the unit capital
raised through sale of units to the public. UTI renders assistance to industry in three ways.
First, by subscribing to new issues of equity and bonds/debentures: second, by underwriting
of new issues of equity and bonds/debentures, and finally, by purchasing outstanding securities
in the secondary market thereby releasing funds for new investment by other investors.
National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC)
NSIC was established in 1995 with the intention of aiding, counseling, assisting, financing,
protecting and promoting small industries. Its resources consist of paid up capital, borrowings
and loans from banks. The assistance provided by NSIC consists of : supplying machinery on
hire purchase basis to small scale industrialists: helping to secure contracts from Central
Government Stores Purchasing Agencies: training industrial workers and supervisors:
distributing new materials which are scarce: and exporting products of small industries.
Though NSIC does not provide direct finance, its hire purchase scheme provides a mechanism,
by which finance is made available for acquiring machines. The rate of interest charged under
this scheme depends on the total investment of the unit in plant and machinery, location of the
unit, and the promoter’s track record and background. The hire purchase value is recovered in
13 half yearly installments with a grace period of one to one and half years.
State Level Financial Institutions
State Financial Corporations (SFC)
The State Financial Corporations are set up in each state to render assistance to medium and
small scale industries in their respective states. Small scale units with a paid up capital and
reserves exceeding one crore of rupees are not eligible for assistance from SFCs the maximum
amount of assistance to a single unit is Rs 30 lakhs in the case of limited companies and Rs.15
lakhs in other cases. SFCs provided assistance mainly to meet the needs of small scale units
engaged in manufacturing or related industrial activity.
SFCs mainly provide land for acquiring fixed assets like land and buildings, plant and
machinery. SFCs also render other types of assistance in a limited way. These include:
underwriting capital issues, subscribing to capital issues: guaranteeing loans raised by industrial
undertakings: guaranteeing deferred payments due from any industrial undertaking in
connection with the purchase of capital goods within the country.
The lending rates of SFCs vary between 8.5 to 14.5 per cent depending on the borrower profile
and the nature of industry. SCFs charge confessional interest rates-half per cent to six per cent
less than the normal lending rate-to small scale industries, industries in backward areas, and
units set up by technically qualified entrepreneurs. The repayment period is 10 to 12 years, and
the loans are secured by a first charge on the fixed assets of the borrower’s unit.
State Industrial Development and Investment Corporations (SIDC)
The SIDCs were set up in 1960s by the state governments to serve as catalytic agents to accelerate
the process of industrialization in their respective states. The activities undertaken by SIDCs
include: granting financial assistance: providing industrial sheds/plots: identifying projects
opportunities : providing technical and managerial assistance during project implementation:
and serving as agents of the state/central government in operating their schemes for providing
special incentives.
While SIDCs give some support to small scale industrial units, a major part of their assistance
goes to medium sized undertakings. Investment Guidance Cells have been established by SIDCs
to identify potential entrepreneurs and provide active guidance to them. In order to promote
rapid industrialisations, SIDCs sponsor projects in joint sector with the participation of private
parties. Most of joint sector projects set up have been in non-traditional industries.
Students are advised to read detailed coverage of various forms of financing including certain
latest developments in some of the latest editions of standard text books like 4th edition of
Prasanna Chandra on PROJECTS Planning , Analysis, Selection, Implementation and Review.
Expenses during Construction Period
A new company, during the period of construction, incurs expenditure on various items.
Expenses directly related to construction reconsidered as expenditure on buildings, plant,
machinery, etc. apart from these direct expenses, there are indirect expense, such as preliminary,
indirect expenditure relating to construction, indirect expenditure not relating to construction,
and expenditure relating to technical know how.
The following expenses are regarded as preliminary expenses:-
(a) Expenditure incurred for preparing the feasibility report, preparation of project report,
market/economic/ industrial survey conducted relating to the business, and engineering
services related to the business.
(b) Legal charges incurred for preparing agreement relating to the setting upon conduct of
the business.
(c) Legal charges for preparing the memorandum and articles of association, prospectus: fees
for registering the company with the Registrar of Companies under the Companies Act:
and cost of issue of shares and debentures of the company.
(d) Ten per cent preliminary expenses can be claimed as deduction for each of the ten successive
previous years beginning with the previous year in which the project is completed. The
maximum amount of preliminary expenses that can be amortized is two and half per cent
of the project or capital employed whichever is less.
Indirect expenditure relating to construction consists like financial charges, remuneration of
various personnel engaged in construction activity, traveling and other expenses incurred in
connection with the project, and depreciation of various assets used for the purpose of
construction. These expenses are allowed to be capitalized by allocating them to buildings,
plant, machinery, etc., on a suitable basis and the enterprise is allowed to claim depreciation
on the enhanced value of these assets.
General expenses are incurred during the period of construction but which are not related to
construction. Marketing expenses incurred to maintain the corporate image of the undertaking
Fianancial Management & international finance 603
are examples of this nature. These expenses are neither allowed to be capitalized nor allowed
as tax point of view, the enterprise does not derive any benefit of charging these expenses
against revenue. It is therefore advisable for enterprises to incur such expenditure after the
period of construction is over and operations have commenced.
Expenditure incurred on technical know-how can be capitalized as a direct expenditure related
to construction, or could be treated as plant on which depreciation can be claimed. When an
existing enterprise incurs expenditure on technical know how under an agreement for the
transfer of technical know-show for a limited period and not for permanent use, then such an
expenditure, regardless of the involved, can be treated as revenue expenditure i.e tax deductible
item of expense.
Depreciation on building, plant and machinery, furniture and fittings used for business/
profession is a tax claiming allowance. The assets should be owned and used for business
purposes, and the prescribed particulars relating to depreciation should be furnished as per
Section 34 (i) of I.T Act.
The features for allowing depreciation claim are:-
(i) each asset is depreciated separately at a rate applicable to it which varies between two
and half per cent and 100 per cent,
(ii) straight line method of depreciation is permitted for ships plying on international waters,
and the written down value method of depreciation is remitted for all other assets,
(iii) extra shift allowance is permitted on certain items of plant and machinery,
(iv) additional depreciation equal to 50 per cent of normal depreciation is allowed in the year
of installation, and
(v) when the asset is sold or discarded adjustments are effected in respect of the resultant loss
or gain as terminal allowance or balancing charge.
The above features have been in force for quite some time. Two important changes relating to
depreciation have been introduced with effect from the assessment year 1977-99. First
depreciation is charged on blocks of assets which represent a group of assets, for which a
common rate of depreciation is applicable. Depreciation is calculated by applying the prescribed
rate, which may be 33.3 per cent or 50 per cent or 100 per cent [to the written down value of the
entire block], Second, the net amount realized from the sales of assets is simply deducted from
the written down value of that block: the written down value of a block cannot be reduced to
zero. If the net sale proceeds of an asset exceed the written down value of the block, the difference
will be treated as capital gain and taxed accordingly, and depreciation will be zero.
Investment Deposit
The Investment Deposit Scheme was introduced in the assessment year 1987-88 replacing the
previous Investment Allowance scheme. Under the Investment Allowance Scheme a business
firm was allowed to deduct an amount equal to 25 per cent (in some cases 35 per cent) of the
cost of plant and machinery under certain conditions. The unabsorbed investment allowance
was allowed to be carried forward for a period of eight years.
The investment allowance benefit was related to the outlay on plant and machinery. The
investment Deposit Benefit is a function of profit. The deposit made with IDBI, Tea Board, or
BABARD, as the case may be can claimed as deduction for tax purposes. This is however,
limited to 20 per cent of profits as per financial accounts prepared in accordance with Companies
Act provisions.
In order to avail the benefit under the investment deposit scheme, the following conditions
must be satisfied-
(a) The deposit should be made within 6 months form the end of the previous year or within
the time prescribed for filing the return of income. If investment is made directly in eligible
plant and machinery, then no deposit need be made.
(b) The accounts of the business/ profession are fully audited.
(c) The withdrawal of deposit is allowed only for specific purposes. These include purchase
of eligible plant and machinery and repayment of loans borrowed from approved financial
institutions after 31st March,1986. Eligible plant and machinery does not include:-
(i) plant and machinery installed in a large company manufacturing items specified in
the Eleventh Schedule,
(ii) plant and machinery installed in office premises, residential accommodation, or guest
(iii) office appliances other than computers,
(iv) road transport vehicles, and
(v) any asset.
(d) the plant and machinery purchased by withdrawing the deposit should not be transferred
for a period of eight years. Such transfers to government companies, or when a firm is
converted to a company, are exempt form this condition.
In a project environment, foreign collaborations are normally entered into by industries where
a sophisticated technology (not available indigenously) is required or where up-gradation of
existing technology is necessary, or, where import of technology and capital is involved
(e.g. petro chemical and fertilizer industry). Foreign collaborations could be purely technical
collaboration where only transfer of technology is involved or technical cum financial
collaboration involving both transfer of technology and capital. All proposals for setting up
foreign collaboration require prior approval of Government. Government approval is guided
by considerations of the NEED AND APPROPRIATENESS of the technology to the growth of
the industry, FOREIGN COLLABORATION PROJECTS are to be approved any Government
and have special tax implications. Various aspects of Foreign Collaboration project could be
broadly classified under 3 different sections, viz-
1. Outline of the governmental policy framework governing foreign collaboration.
2. Procedural aspects of setting up a collaboration project.
3. Tax aspects of foreign collaboration.
Fianancial Management & international finance 605
Governmental Policy Framework
It details with:
A) Need For Foreign Technology
B) Royalty Payments
C) Terms and Conditions of Collaboration Agreement
D) Foreign Investment
Considerations for Foreign Technology
Nexus between development of industry (involving Foreign Exchange) and national
Criticality of technological gaps in industry in terms of efficiently meeting domestic
requirements and / or becoming competitive in export market.
Export potential of project.
Availability of similar indigenous technology and time frame required to develop such
Commercial to absorb, adapt and develop imported technology through adequate investment
in R & D.
If one or more or above considerations are satisfied and the project is economically viable,
approval is given. it is necessary to examine all possible sources and do a techno-economic
evaluation of such technology in each source and give reasons for preferring the particular
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